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Project Zero II: Crimson Butterfly Wiimake

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    Project Zero II: Crimson Butterfly Wiimake

    Reconfirmed by Nintendo during this weeks press conferences is the remake of the much loved second entry in the horror series. Not much in the way of details is known except a PAL release is aiming for May/June and according to Magicbox's newsfeed a Japanese release is set for June 28th.

    According to the newsfeed the game will also have a new added two player co-op mode. It still appears like a US/PAL release for Project Zero IV isn't on the cards however.

    I nearly wet myself, then...when I read IV instead of II. A peculiar and rather arbitrary wiimake, methinks.


      Would have been really nice if it was a compilation of 1-3 ahead of a release of IV. I'm not sure how much difference the Wii will make over the previous II


        I thought this was for 3DS?


          Kind of confusing, but Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir, the 3DS spin-off game, will be also coming to europe. So we will be getting one Wii game and a 3DS game from the project zero series this year.

          Originally posted by @NintendoEurope
          Two games from Project Zero team coming to Europe Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir on #3DS & Project Zero 2: Wii Edition
          original twitter thing!/NintendoEurop...08304415043584


            Any indication whether it'll be a port of the Director's Cut version? Still haven't played that and the first person mode is supposed to be worth a go.


              I was watching the Japanese stream with Iwata and must have gotten confused. It looked like a 3DS game...


                As far as I'm aware they showed the 3DS spin-off but haven't released anything of the Wii one yet. I assume it'll look just like IV


                  The one on the video I saw was the Wii one. I was wrong after all.


                    Originally posted by Golgo View Post
                    I nearly wet myself, then...when I read IV instead of II. A peculiar and rather arbitrary wiimake, methinks.
                    It's not really arbitrary, it's the favourite among the fans. Plus a Wiimake of a Wii game would be redundant :P


                      I welcome it, Jake, don't get me wrong. Got the PS2 version sat here. Still feels a bit odd, though, given endless wait for localisation of the Wii-exclusive IV.


                        Ahhhh bollox I just gave my sister my wii as it was just collecting dust!


                          (Not so) new video of this.


                            BIG FAT GREEEN A! Gamecube pad support?

                            Never completed this one, the first one was great but the latter three failed to grab me. tbh with the 4th one not being released I just dropped the whole series off my radar.


                              Ah finally a release date, time to preorder

