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Help needed!

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    Help needed!

    Dear All,

    My first post on this particular forum and a somewhat unusual one at that I expect! Probably best to start by introducing myself by saying that I am a psychologist, researcher, mindfulness based cognitive therapist and an avid gamer (ever since the original nintendo famicom way back when!). I also played WoW on Argent Dawn for a few years and still game, although now mainly on the PS3. Recently I began some research into particular game types (at the moment MMO's and FPSs) and am looking for participants to answer a few completely anonymous questions online. The test takes under 3 minutes, is completely anonymous and doesn't require any personal details to entered at all. I would be hugely grateful for anyone over the age of 18 who might have 2 minutes to spare to tick a couple of boxes just so that I can get as representative a sample as possible. In this particular study I am only looking at those who play either an MMO or an FPS or both. For those who take part there is also the invitation to attend a lecture on mindfulness that will take place in London later in the year.

    The link is here

    Finally thank you all for taking the time to read this and for all of you who are now feeling the pangs of guilt that may lead you to take part by clicking the above link! Those little pangs of guilt prove that you are indeed a lovely, lovely person!



    Just filled it all in, good luck with the reserach. What are you hoping to find with the results?


      I've filled it in, good luck with the reserach.


        No problem, taken.


          Filled in too


            I filled it in. Interesting questions.
            Last edited by Golgo; 04-03-2012, 15:14.


              Done too. Hope all goes well.



                Hi there again,

                Thanks so much to all who've posted and especially those who've taken part! Although I must admit I'm not much of a forum user, I am a fellow gamer and have been ever since the halcyon days of the red and white nintendo famicom, and so I can totally understand how these research posts must look at times. I am sure they must feel a bit 'faceless' and 'invasive' to people but that certainly hasn't been my intention at all and I'm very grateful indeed for all the kind support!!

                The results aren't due to be published, as this is an academic study for my postgraduate degree, but I would be happy to share them with people if they are interested. The study isn't one that looks at social maladjustment (don't worry Golgo! ) and although there is a link to a gaming addiction help website, that was added in compliance with the ethics board request that approved the research to begin with and not at my behest!

                Anyway - just wanted to say another big thank you to all who took and are taking part!




                  Done, yes interesting, kinda sounds like an advert for gaming therapy, are you a COD/WoW social nerd with a gaming addiction, if you are we can help!!!


                    Haha, yes I suppose it might well sound like that MisterBubbles! My sincere apologies if it does though, it certainly isn't supposed to be taken that way and it really isn't about 'helping nerds' at all! I'm probably well within that category in any case myself! The addition of the 'help' website was done at the behest of the University's Ethics council (health and safety and all that) but I did my best to explain the link in the introduction. I can explain a little bit more about the study via PM if you're interested. Thanks so much for taking part though.



