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What games sum up next gen to you?

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    What games sum up next gen to you?

    Remember when you were playing on your N64, PS1, Saturn, heck even your Master System, NES, SNES, Megadrive etc, and you imagined what game would be like in the next gen or ten years down the line, which ones have fulfilled your imagination.

    I own a PS2, GC and GBA, but will mention some X-Box games, I might get some X-Box info wrong, but don't shout at me, I get enuff of that from my boss!!

    Anyway here goes mine...


    F-Zero GX- One of the only games I've played at home, that feels like an actual state of the art arcade machine (Probably cos it is!!) The graphics and sense of speed are out of this world.

    RE Make- Unbelieavable graphics (Okay the shadows are a bit pixelated), but this is you feel what the RE team had in mind for the game when they first made the game on the PS1.

    Zelda: Wind Waker- IMO the best graphics on any system so far, which helps to create the most immersive game worl I have encountered.

    Metroid Prime-Like F-Zero the graphics are so solid looking (Not the rudeboys and gals), and like Zelda this creates another immersive game world.


    ICO-Incredible game world, stunning graphic, and one of the most delightful games I have ever played.

    Project Zero- Amazing horror game that I dreamt of being able to play when I was playing RE1 on the PS.

    GTA-Fully realised city where I can do what I want....brilliant!

    Onimusha 2-Cracking characters, amazing set pieces, and just a brilliant example of the way games can now can superbly blend FMV, characters, graphics and action to create a fantastic game.


    Panzer Draggon Orta-Looks amazing!

    Halo-Fantastic two player action in again a completley submersvie world.

    Ninja Gaiden- This game look likes it is gonna be awesome.


    Castlevania AOS- An almost as good version of Castlevanis SOTN that i can play on the Gary Glitter..Amazing.

    Ghouls and Ghosts- SNES perfect, and in a machine smaller than my Tv's remote!

    Final Fight- I used to play this game in the arcades 247, and now I can play it on a Gameboy!

    Whats your picks?

    It's funny but at the time even the spectrum with it's monochrome graphics and attribute clash seemed state of the art.... it was hard to imagine gaming being any better. I can remember getting a master system and thinking, surely wonderboy is as good as it could get at home in your own home!

    I got a 'grey import' megadrive with Arrow Flash and remember thinking it was as good looking as anything in my arcade in those days.

    Ironically in these days of power I fail to see such a big ramp up in the trinity of next gen consoles from the dreamcast and to a lesser extent PS1. Sure graphical techniches have improved, we are getting solid framerates, less tearing, etc.... but they sure don't blow me away like Ghouls n ghosts on the MD did!!

    Soon all games will just be solid playable full motion video with real life like qualities! playstation 3 will amaze!


      Soon all games will just be solid playable full motion video with real life like qualities!
      ...and then what will they do?

      Put the gameplay back in?


        to tell you the truth i think splinters cell screams nxt gen in terms ofgraphical prowess and depth in missions. but then agian, im easily pleased these days! oh silent hill 2/3 now thats next gen in story line alone!



          Originally posted by stroppa
          ...and then what will they do?

          Put the gameplay back in?
          Gameplay? Who would need that when it looks so good?

          I remember a guy who ran a computer store years ago who swore blind that Tetris would forever remain the greatest game ever because it relied not on graphical power, but sheer addictive gameplay. I don't agree with that entirely but it was a nice sentiment!


            for me, it would be...

            street fighter II on snes, just amazing, i never expected something that good so early.
            Ridge racer on playstation...proper 3d
            soul calibur on dreamcast, again it seemed so much nicer than other stuff at the time.

            at the moment i cant think of anything from the current generation that had the same kind of effect on me.


              This gen for me would have to be Biohazard 1 GC, played it through again this weeked gone and still it looks top. Also have to agree with F zero, feels like a true arcade racer in your home.


                Here's a small list from me:

                Final Fantasy X -

                Words can't explain how detailed, beautiful and consistent this gameworld is. Whether its with the in-game cutscenes, or the FMV sequences, it's pretty impressive stuff all round. Probably this generations best game for me.

                Metal Gear Solid 2 -

                Except for the really, really ****ed up plot, this pushed the boat out a lot more than any other game of it's time when it was released.

                Splinter Cell -

                Still unbelievable lighting effects, looks like a photo if you squint

                Biohazard Remake -

                Had the PAL version a while ago, never seemed to play it. Recently got the Jap version, and it's been the only game to sit in my Gamecube the past 2 weeks. Awesome stuff.


                  Jet Set Radio: DC, I really love Cel Shading (when it's used intelligently) and making the characters look like graffitti themselves was imo pure genius, it also played fantastically, ran well, and had an incredibly original concept in an ever increasingly generic gaming world.


                    Turok: Dinosaur Hunter which I got with my N64 back when it came out offered such an unbelievable real environment. Together with Mario64 these titles evoked a moment of pure amazement as far as immersion in a game and graphical virtuosity goes. They probably define the only true 3D milestone I've ever witnessed.

                    *edit* Soul Calibur on the DC. It still amazes me, everytime.


                      Devil May Cry wowed me. I thought it was the pinnacle of what was possible with the PS2's hardware, and it still remains one of my alltime favorite games. The fact that I find the combat flows so well and is so enjoyable boosts my opinion of this game of course.


                        It's Halo for me, reason being that after playing this I realised that the consoles were now quite capable of beating the PC at it's own game(s). Here we had a first person shooter, better than practically any other I've played on the PC. Ok, we're unlikely to ever see a serious flightsim released on consoles (unless it's a Steel Battalion style effort), but to me console games were always more like arcades (no matter how incorrect that oppinion might have been).

