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Kickstarter thread and what would you like to see kickstarted

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    The memory of the bluetooth speccy fiasco is still a bit raw, isnt it a little too soon to try a cashgrab from the same crowd?


      Originally posted by Darwock View Post
      The memory of the bluetooth speccy fiasco is still a bit raw, isnt it a little too soon to try a cashgrab from the same crowd?

      you got a link to that i seem to vaguely remember about it


        I was a massive Spectrum fan back into day. Do hope they manage to release something good that works great at some point for all of us in our forties now.


          Originally posted by CMcK View Post
          I'm rather tempted by that. So many good times spent on the old Speccy.
          I've been thinking the same but unsure.
          I still have my entire speccy collection already but just having it all there would be wonderful

          Hope it comes off I really do.


            There was an article on the Guardian website about this yesterday, it's interesting for sure for someone like me who grew up with it but I'm still on the fence though until someone gets their hands on one.

            Sir Clive Sinclair has backed a new Spectrum Vega console on Indiegogo, promising a nostalgia trip for 1980s gamers
            Last edited by Neil; 03-12-2014, 16:05.


              I managed to get one of the first batch this morning. It's a surprise they stuck with composite output although I suppose that's a minor upgrade over RF. Would have been interesting to see something like the Hdmyboy crew are doing.


                A full blown Namco ridge would make my day


                  I'm not convinced I want a other Namco Ridge Racer after 6-7 and Vita. Ugh.


                    Irreverent run-and-gun game Glorious Leader! has been pulled from Kickstarter following an alleged hack "inspired by the attack on Sony"...

                    First appearing on Kickstarter last month, Glorious Leader! was a side-scrolling shooter in the vein of Contra or the rather more obscure arcade title Sly Spy: Secret Agent.

                    The twist was that you played a slightly grotesque caricature of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as he blasted his way through wave after wave of capitalist forces. One level saw the leader ride a unicorn, while another had him charge across the ocean on the back of a narwhal.

                    It seems that someone, somewhere didn't see the funny side of.Glorious Leader!, however. The team behind it, Moneyhorse Games, has stated that it was the victim of a hack over the Christmas break, which it says has "destroyed data pertaining to Glorious Leader! and other projects we had in development."

                    "The timing couldn't have been worse," Moneyhorse's Kickstarter update continued, "as it hampered our ability to attend to the Kickstarter project."

                    As a result, Moneyhorse has pulled Glorious Leader!.from Kickstarter, and the future of the game now seems uncertain:

                    "This is not the first time we have been targeted because of Glorious Leader! Between the hacking and other threats, we think it is time to reevaluate our commitment to Glorious Leader! We thank our fans and supporters, and we are sorry to let you down."

                    Moneyhorse have also admitted that it "made mistakes" when it came to the Kickstarter campaign's pledge levels and rewards. Before.Glorious Leader! was pulled, it amassed $16,816 of its $55,000 target. The studio also said elsewhere that it had "no reason" to believe that the hack had any direct connection to North Korea, but was instead "inspired by the attack on Sony."

                    Whoever the culprit was, the hack appears to have brought a much-publicised game (it's appeared on Fox News and in The Guardian) to a premature end. A pity, because the poster was spectacular:

                    Last edited by QualityChimp; 12-01-2015, 18:35.


                      Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                      I'm not convinced I want a other Namco Ridge Racer after 6-7 and Vita. Ugh.
                      RR Vita is crap but compared to Unbounded, I'd happily play 6 and 7 over and over again.


                        Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post

                        Irreverent run-and-gun game Glorious Leader! has been pulled from Kickstarter following an alleged hack "inspired by the attack on Sony"...

                        First appearing on Kickstarter last month, Glorious Leader! was a side-scrolling shooter in the vein of Contra or the rather more obscure arcade title Sly Spy: Secret Agent.

                        The twist was that you played a slightly grotesque caricature of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as he blasted his way through wave after wave of capitalist forces. One level saw the leader ride a unicorn, while another had him charge across the ocean on the back of a narwhal.

                        It seems that someone, somewhere didn't see the funny side of.Glorious Leader!, however. The team behind it, Moneyhorse Games, has stated that it was the victim of a hack over the Christmas break, which it says has "destroyed data pertaining to Glorious Leader! and other projects we had in development."

                        "The timing couldn't have been worse," Moneyhorse's Kickstarter update continued, "as it hampered our ability to attend to the Kickstarter project."

                        As a result, Moneyhorse has pulled Glorious Leader!.from Kickstarter, and the future of the game now seems uncertain:

                        "This is not the first time we have been targeted because of Glorious Leader! Between the hacking and other threats, we think it is time to reevaluate our commitment to Glorious Leader! We thank our fans and supporters, and we are sorry to let you down."

                        Moneyhorse have also admitted that it "made mistakes" when it came to the Kickstarter campaign's pledge levels and rewards. Before.Glorious Leader! was pulled, it amassed $16,816 of its $55,000 target. The studio also said elsewhere that it had "no reason" to believe that the hack had any direct connection to North Korea, but was instead "inspired by the attack on Sony."

                        Whoever the culprit was, the hack appears to have brought a much-publicised game (it's appeared on Fox News and in The Guardian) to a premature end. A pity, because the poster was spectacular:

                        Shame! I would definitely play this.


                          That poster is better than most movie ones!


                            Originally posted by Nu-Eclipse View Post
                            RR Vita is crap but compared to Unbounded, I'd happily play 6 and 7 over and over again.
                            True. I just find them mind numbingly stale.


                              Drift Stage

                              The music in this game has my money already.



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                                ? BILLIONS of level possibilities with a unique level generated on every load
                                ? OCULUS RIFT compatibility - put yourself inside 100% virtualized "real" environments
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                                ? STRAFE?!

                                It?s your yearly scrapping mission, but this year is different. Your humble scout ship has been recruited to join the massive spacecraft ICARUS. They plan to head to far edge of the galaxy, to a remote sector where other scrappers have not yet dared to venture.
                                The rewards could be unimaginable. But so are the risks. It may be unexplored space, but it?s a gamble you know you must take.
                                You lost.
                                You return from a run empty handed, but worse, ICARUS is no where to be found. You check your coordinates. You try the coms. No answer from your comrades on ICARUS. Yet their teleporter appears in-range and responsive.
                                So you grab a gun ?just in case? and teleport onto ICARUS. What could go wrong?
                                Everything goes wrong. This is STRAFE?. Prepare for hours of uninterrupted chaos that won?t stop for storylines or anything short of a melted CPU.***

