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Dragon Age: Inquisition

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    Dragon Age: Inquisition

    No reveal or anything but Dragon Age 2 expansion 'Exalted March' has been canceled, instead moving the team onto developement for Dragon Age 3. Hurray. I'm a big fan of the first game, but lately my excitement for Bioware titles has reached an all time low.

    This past year, we?ve spent a lot of time both going back to the ?BioWare vault? of games and re-examining them, and looking at some new possibilities that today?s industry allows.
    Good start. There was no DLC in their old games, I wonder if that will carry over. Yeah right!

    Last edited by Adam; 10-10-2014, 19:00.

    My first suggestion to Mike Laidlaw (Dragin Age dude) was:

    Don't have visible DLC in the game for people who haven't bought the DLC. DA:O was almost ruined by this vulgar tactic.


      From the same Bioware thread, Mark Darrah:

      "We will try to bring some closure to Hawke's story but likely not in a playable form. Originally we had planned to do an expansion pack but had to stop to focus on what we are working on now."
      What a sham Dragon Age 2 was!


        I didn't mind DA2, but it was so much less than what it should have been. The game was soooo limited in scope it wasn't funny. There were, what? 5 different areas used for the ENTIRE game.

        DAO was a masterpiece though, hopefully we get a proper continuation of that.

        Originally posted by Adam View Post
        lately my excitement for Bioware titles has reached an all time low.
        Why? DA2 was a disappointment, but the Old Republic is absolutely outstanding and likely to keep me entertained for a long time to come, and I'm about half way through ME3 at the moment which is sublime (naturally).


          DA2 was the ultimate rush job and despite its overall quality ME3 suffers from rough edges or silly design choices too which feel like they exist because Bioware rushed development on it. If they're properly working on Dragons Age 3 then it needs to be at least 2-2 and a half years away at least. Anything less and I won't even pass a glance at it as Bioware and EA are starting to rush their games to make a quick buck. They need to take their time and properly ensure they don't mess up again.


            I wait for reviews of EVERYTHING these days. Trust no one lol


              give me similar to DA:O (on PC) and I'll be a happy camper.


                Originally posted by Finsbury Girl View Post
                give me similar to DA:O (on PC) and I'll be a happy camper.
                QF goddamn mofo T! Take out the in your face you-can-save-this-character-if-you-buy-the-dlc and I'll be even happier. Oh, and bring Morrigan back. I'm livid at the moment as I've been forced to leave Morrigan out my party to take some stupid dwarf with me.


                  Give me DA:O HD on PS3, god the original looks like some kinda PS1 game, fugly don't do it justice.


                    Originally posted by mekanor View Post
                    Why? DA2 was a disappointment, but the Old Republic is absolutely outstanding and likely to keep me entertained for a long time to come, and I'm about half way through ME3 at the moment which is sublime (naturally).
                    Have already reached the cap on The Old Republic and cancelled my account, didn't think it was all that. Early days I know, they will probably enhance the game a bunch in the near future but I'll be playing Diablo 3 / Guild Wars 2 by then. Playing through ME3 very slowly at the moment, because I'm finding it tedious. When I'm fighting, it's fine but the running around the ship or the citadel doing stuff bores me. It does feel rushed as crazytaxi said. Go to the night club in the Citadel and look down to the floors below. Felt like I was playing Disgaea again.


                      Originally posted by MisterBubbles View Post
                      Give me DA:O HD on PS3, god the original looks like some kinda PS1 game, fugly don't do it justice.
                      I saw it on XBox and PS3 at Eurogamer. Looked real bad. Got it on PS3, it played well but felt clumsy. Got it on PC now. It's like it's a different game.


                        Dragon Age was ok on the 360, felt pretty simple though, the combat certainly wasnt great.

                        As far as the technical issues go. I have never played a Bioware game that hasnt felt a bit rough around the edges in all Honesty, even their earlier games wernt exactly technically impressive. i dont think that is somthing they focus on, as long as its functional then it seems like they would rather concentrate on story and characters rather than gameplay and technical issues.

                        The Old Republic plays well, probabaly better than anything else they have ever made, but then all they needed to do was copy WOW really.


                          I love the combat! The fact that with decently set up strategies for each party member I literally do nothing. Just watch them fighting. I love to watch the battles, see what everyone does and then at the end I might go in and tweak their strategies a bit ready for the next one. It's like programming the AI. Fantastic. That's why I hate the sound of DA2. I don't want any God of War shenanigans in my Dragon Ages.

                          Definitely agree about it being round round the edges though. Polygon clipping real bad and bits of what are supposed to be platemail armour bending when they move around. Weird clear, sharp outline around the characters in cut scenes and the cut scenes rendered at lower res and less FPS than the actual game engine. Overall I don't care though. The story is great, voice acting excellent, great characters. Would love them to let me have a party of more than four though.
                          Last edited by Brad; 20-03-2012, 15:49.


                            Dragen Age panel at PAX:
                            Here's part one of the Dragon Age Panel at PAX East 2012Follow Dragon Age III at! - http://www.faceb...

                            Glad they admit all the faults with the previous game and plan on fixing them. That's a good start! The armor customisation looks interesting, guess they took that right out of Mass Effect.
                            Last edited by Adam; 21-10-2012, 16:58.



                              The next game will be called Dragon Age III: Inquisition.
                              We won?t be talking about the story of the game today. Though you can make some guesses from the title.
                              This game is being made by a lot of the same team that has been working on Dragon Age since Dragon Age: Origins. It?s composed of both experienced BioWare veterans and talented new developers.
                              We are working on a new engine which we believe will allow us to deliver a more expansive world, better visuals, more reactivity to player choices, and more customization. At PAX East, we talked about armour and followers… Yeah, that kind of customisation. We?ve started with Frostbite 2 from DICE as a foundation to accomplish this.
                              So it exists, and it's gonna look good. Coming late 2013.

