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Shoot Many Robots Review (PSN / XBLA)

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    Shoot Many Robots Review (PSN / XBLA)

    Like a cross between Contra and Metal Slug, it?s telling that Shoot Many Robots actually manages to better the recent download releases of both those series. Like a modern day melding of the two, it actually shows how this sort of game should be doneto appeal to for today?s gamers (and making SNK look like newbies in the process). Throw in a mechanic akin to a 2D Borderlands and Demiurge have created something that works incredibly well.

    Click the link below to read the full review

    I just picked this up on the PC - very good port btw, although with no joypad support - and it's great fun. Loads to unlock, lots to blow up, good co-op, frantic action .. all good


      Cricket this is quite addictive. Qualitychimp and were non plus send to begin with, then lost and hour to the game without even noticing. All chatting stopped to focus on the game, which is unheard of...


        Originally posted by k0pp0 View Post
        Cricket this is quite addictive. Qualitychimp and were non plus send to begin with, then lost and hour to the game without even noticing. All chatting stopped to focus on the game, which is unheard of...
        "Crickey, this is quite addictive. QualityChimp and I were nonplussed to begin with, then lost an hour to the game without even noticing."

        Yeah, it's a simple game, but I ended going to bed really late by accident.
        Worth trying if you're on Gold as it's free.

        It's tough, but achievable, especially in co-op and with improved weapons.


          Best off all this is FREE on Games with Gold this week and next for 360 owners


            Levelled me up some last night. Tis good, but really should have had drop in/out multiplayer instead of having to wait.

