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What are the best Stereoscopic 3D TV games?

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    What are the best Stereoscopic 3D TV games?

    So I just got a shiny new 3D TV.

    Im wondering what everyone thinks is the best game to try out on it?

    Are any games good in 3D?

    or is the whole idea of 3D gaming just pointless due to things like ghosting and eye strain and the fact that most people look incedibly silly when they wear the glasses?

    Firstly, get a DECENT PC then you can play anything in 3D and will look pretty brill with nvidia 3D vision play.

    Aside from that its worth seeing Uncharted 3 in 3D - it looks fantastic.

    which TV did you get btw?


      I've not tried too many out thanks to my previous seating arrangements but Uncharted 3 is nice. The Motorstorm series always has really nice implementation too. Silent Hill Downpour doesn't implement it well and is too dark for it to make much difference anyway.


        Try out the free demo of 3D Infinity on XBLIG.
        Last edited by charlesr; 12-04-2012, 16:44.


          Super Star Dust/Strike HD and Killzone 3 are two of my favourites. IF you have a PS3.


            Ridge Racer 7... Oh, wait.
            Kept you waiting, huh?


              Child of Eden is possibly the best I've seen. I thought uncharted 3 looked considerably worse and the 3D forgettable.

              Do you need the receiver and glasses for nvidia vision?
              Last edited by SuperBeatBoy; 12-04-2012, 20:35.


                I'd love to have a go on WipEout HD Fury in 3D. Although it drops from 1080p to 720p when in 3D from what I understand.


                  Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
                  Child of Eden is possibly the best I've seen. I thought uncharted 3 looked considerably worse and the 3D forgettable.

                  Do you need the receiver and glasses for nvidia vision?
                  Some monitors have the receiver built in but you will need the glasses.

                  I think motorstorm and stardust is the best I've seen. I got a passive tv and uncharted looks a bit crap thanks to the resolution hit in 3D.

