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Animal Crossing: Jump Out

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    Animal Crossing: Jump Out

    Announced for 3DS

    Little has been said about the games content beyond it's focus on 'jumping out'.

    So jumping out just means its 3d?

    I was hoping it meant that this was the first animal crossing game to feature sky diving.

    Seriously though, I hope they add more too it than just the stereoscopic 3d effect (that I will probabaly turn off anyway like I do on all 3ds games now). The series has never really altered since its first incarnation, it needs a shot in the arm really.


      It seems to have gotten WORSE with every incarnation after the Game Cube ones. Why in the name of ARSE did they remove the option to ask villagers if they have any errands? Seriously, why? And in this latest cash-in, aren't the player characters no longer SD style? What are they playing at?


        The moment they removed the nes/famicom games the less fun they became, it was a good incentive to keep playing as getting them all was indeed a monumental task. I still play the gamecube ones but i don't really touch the DS & wii versions anymore, last time i checked the only new thing on the 3DS version was been able to swim. Wonder what they will add by the time it's done?


          I agree about the NES/FC games, but at the same time I have enjoyed the newer games just as much as the older ones. Removing the real holidays from the DS game was the worst move Nintendo have ever made though, but at least they learnt that lesson.


            The DS version was appaulingly dull thanks to no holidays, the made up crap they put in it's place made every month bland as hell. The only fun i got out the wii & ds versions was hacking the hell out of them. I remember the texture hack i did in the wii version to make one of my inhabitants look like pedobear it was hillarious


              November 8th for Japan and I CANNOT WAIT.

              Nintendo Direct reveals that you can also change the outside of your house.


                You could do that in the cube versions to an extent, well you could change the window design on the door hehe. A part of me wants it but i just know it's probably going to be nearly the same as the ds one. Going to wait to see just whats properly new.


                  wow there really is no excuse for the delay for the rotw

                  apart from paper mario itsgoing to be very quiet

                  japan has so many 3ds games up to christmas, do you think its possible wii u could slip to early 2012 in japan, as us/europe have nothing out because of the wii u . and japan get all these cool 3ds gaves to make up for it


                    Didn't Paper Mario get delayed as well?

                    Hopefully to correct that horrible subtitle - "Sticker Star"? *shudders*


                      Jump Out?! Animal Crossing?! A bad lesson for children, I'd say! They should stop at the kerb, look and listen both ways, and when nothing is coming cross carefully, continuing to look in both directions until they're safely to the other kerb. Bad show Nintendo!


                        Less than 50 minutes until this is up on the J-eShop!


                          Downloading now, 5658 blocks.

