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Rayman Origins 2 - Origin Harder (All Formats)

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    Rayman Origins 2 - Origin Harder (All Formats)

    Looks like this has been outed via an Ubi Soft marketing survery.

    original link rumour -

    semi confirmed with details-

    Screens from Survey video.

    Awesome sauce indeed, can't wait to see some more. Will no doubt be at Ubi E3 conference.

    awesome news! I'll be there day one!


      Day one? pfft I will just wait for the inevitable price drop, won't buy this unless it's under ?10 NEW!

      Is what I WON'T be saying


        Originally posted by Family Fry View Post
        Day one? pfft I will just wait for the inevitable price drop, won't buy this unless it's under ?10 NEW!

        Is what I WON'T be saying
        I'm still waiting for the magic ?9.99 for the first 1!

        bait set


          Couldn't feel the love for rayman origins on the consoles but it's great on the vita, so suited to the system.


            After the epic disaster at retail that Origins was Ubisoft would be wise to return to the original plan and make this a PSN/XBL game. If it was released that way for a good price I'd give it a punt but without the element of curiosity I'm not paying retail price for it again.


              Origins wasn't a total failure, Ubisoft said it made profit and that it was looking to be a good long term seller. If it was a total bomb, they wouldn't be paying for a sequel


                Going off the screens Origins 2 would be quite a low cost title to make now the engines in place. There's no final figures for Rayman's sales total but it wasn't good. It could well be that after the heavy price cuts it received people eventually picked it up enough to bring its tally up and I've no doubt Ubisoft will be looking to the long term as with the countless rereleases of the other Rayman games. Whichever way, ?40 retail wasn't the best release method.


                  Yeah, it most be pretty cheap to make now, employ some illustrators
                  It's funny, you'd of thought Ubi would of seen what happned with Little Big Planet, which was also a platformer announced as a Digital/Budget title but got promoted to Full RRP retail release and also bombed in the shops.

                  I guess like that too, they can count on it being sold for console bundles, Rayman games always end up in handheld bundles, so I could see Rayman Origins being one of those titles that you can choose "free" with your Wii/360/PS3.


                    Hopefully, the critical success will lead to more from the engine too. I vaguely remember hearing at some point Ubisoft saying the intention was to make the engine easy to license out to other devs to use for their games.


                      Yeah, they said it would be open source in fact. Probably won't happen though.

                      I wonder if it did well on Vita, quite a few people here ignored it until they got a vita


                        Origins sold 1.3 million, probably didn't cost much to make, and clearly is continuing to sell through at retail. Sequel makes sense.

                        Little Big Planet has sold almost 5 million copies (and that excludes digital purchases and DLC). Some in bundles, some at a reduced price, granted, but if that's a title "bombing" then the game industry might as well pack up and go home.


                          Oh and PSV Rayman - Excluding digital sales it's only sold a handful of copies on Vita. Around 10,000 according to some estimates. That sounds disastrous, but it won't date like some of the launch titles and might limp up to something respectable over the lifetime of the device.


                            It probably bombed in the same way, it was heavily discounted within days of release, but has gone on to sell a stream of games over the 4 years it has now been out.


                              Only picked this up late December last year but really did enjoy it. I'd definitely be looking to purchase a sequel nearer release next time around and if it has a simultaneous release on Vita, then I'll be there for day one.

