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New but old franchises

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    New but old franchises

    Thinking of the MG Revengeane thread and what Billy said, it got me thinking about gaming franchises.
    Obviously a strong branding is vital for fans and non fans alike, people like things that are popular and successful.
    However we have so many brands that are somewhat stale now. Resident Evil is one, Metal Gear is perhaps another as is God of War.

    We were chatting at work a while back about similar things and it got us thinking about what we want from our fav franchises. For instance I would love a new Resident Evil series, entirely new cast, virus, enemies etc. The template could be familiar but the new cast would freshen things up a touch I think. The current series has gone on too long and the plot is becoming ever forgettable. There is no reason to me why they can't make a new series using Resident Evil as a subheading.

    I'm not saying it is easy to replace much loved characters, but some of the best are stale for me, as much as I am looking forward to Resi 6.

    I'd be happy just to see Resi return to being a horror, the story was always poor so it's current fanciful direction doesn't bother me but the gameplays progressive move towards being Gears can annoy. Metal Gear I'm fine with with as it is, the main issue with the franchise is that it's been left alone for so long but I find new installments to be well worth getting excited for. As much as I enjoyed the last Tomb Raider I can see why they're rebooting and I'm liking the refresh a lot so far and it looks like the right direction. I can think of plenty old unused series I'd like to see resurrected in a fresh style, not so many that are currently ongoing I'd like to see that happen to.


      I would love to see Capcom give a Resident Evil horror game to Grasshopper. I think that team could do some good old fashioned survival horror with a unique twist.


        I feel Final Fantasy could do with a refresh. If they decided to remake VII with an all new engine and new gameplay mechanics, I reckon I'd be able to get back into it again. As it is, I feel like I'd need to play most of the series I've missed to get into the swing of things.

        Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
        I'd be happy just to see Resi return to being a horror, the story was always poor so it's current fanciful direction doesn't bother me but the gameplays progressive move towards being Gears can annoy.
        I thought Resi 1-3 had a pretty tight story and was going somewhere. Umbrella made for such a great baddie.

        Personally I'd like to see Capcom reboot the series with the emphasis on survival horror and Umbrella again.

        Metal Gear? sorry, I mean 'Metal Gear!?' is what I consider a perfect end to a great series. If they insist on making another I'd like to see them remake the NES games using the MGS 4 engine - that game still has the best 3rd person controls in my book.

