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Can someone please explain minecraft to me.

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    Can someone please explain minecraft to me.

    Ok just downloaded the ULTIMATE EDITION off xbox live to see what the fuss is about, apart from the super basic & yet pleasing looking graphics i have no idea what im meant to be doing. Im guessing it's all around building things or is there more to it the further you get in?, the building aspect is fun but i can see it getting boring if thats all that you do. For 1600msp it's suprisingly expensive for what i can make out is virtual lego.

    Whenever I go up to my dads my brother is playing this. Constantly.

    I've asked him several times what the appeal is, he has even shown me his little caves, minecart tracks, chicken pens and whatever, and I am still none the wiser!


      Minecraft Wiki

      Also PC first play
      Friendly Import video game discussion forum, informative reviews, NTSC (Japan / US) and PAL - BordersDown (previously known as NTSC-uk)

      Since I think it's incredibly overrated I will leave.


        Lego technics.


          Ah thanks for the links Mr Fry that explains it very well, shall give the trial some more playtime to see if it will grow on me.


            Yeah it has the Lego appeal of building things plus the exploration aspect of finding materials and survival.
            How far into the game did you get? The first night is probably the trickiest part of the game as you don't know how to craft things and you need shelter super quick to avoid getting killed!


              I'm gonna download the trial to see what it's like in person but reading about it over the last year or two always put it across as a 3D title in the style of the soulless social gaming generation horde we've been inflicted with this gen. All 'social sharing', no gameplay.


                Play cubivore on the GC. Then you can have fun without having to build anything.


                  It is about going out and exploring and building. Don't expect a list of goals or objectives.

                  The best way to play is with people. My friends and I have a PC server set up and for the last few Fridays we have got together and gone exploring or building together. What was once nothing is now a growing tower city with a floating farm in the sky and a train track out to a glass house made on an island.

                  If you are playing it by yourself you will probably get bored but if you can play with a regular group, it becomes a good fun laid back social hang out game thing.


                    From what I have experienced of Minecraft, it is about trawling through guides and faqs to find out how to build things.


                      Very much enjoying the 360 version having had a little go on free pc version with no monsters. Just played the tutorial so far on the first night I just got the roof on my house and some little windows in when I spotted some green things shambling about in the woods.

                      Went for a closer look and got chased by two weird beasts so I ran into my house, closed the door and hid. Went to look through one window, nothing. The next window nothing then two monsters popped up staring at me. Spent the night being stared at through various windows while monsters shuffled and groaned round the house trying to get in.

                      This will be great in multiplayer also the object creation has been streamlined.


                        I don't get this game at all. I don't have the patience for it.


                          Well theres a suprise, looks like im hooked. Spent obscene amounts of time last night crafting & messing about, took ages to choose my house location i settled on this little forest on top of a mountain, not easy to find so i have put torches all around the rock utcrops so i can see it when im far away & know where to head to. I decided to dig down as far as i could damn it's well deep, as you build tunnels it has a great claustraphobic feeling as you look back & see how far you have dug.

                          Been reading up & i was suprised how complex some of it is, the redstone circuits are amazing. Im going to have lots of fun with those. Like they built circuit boards into the game & components too.
                          A redstone circuit is a contraption that activates or controls mechanisms. Circuits can act in response to player or entity/mob activation, continuously on a loop, or in response to non-player activity (mob movement, item drops, plant growth, etc). A useful distinction can be made between a circuit performing operations on signals (generating, modifying, combining, etc.), and a mechanism manipulating the environment (moving blocks, opening doors, changing the light level, producing sound, etc.).

                          It's missing loads from the pc version apparently but they have promised free upgrades to make it the same as the pc version later on. It was a bit of a risk paying 1600msp but i think im going to have enough fun with it. Already figuring out a rollercoaster & sky city for the future building projects.


                            Originally posted by chopemon View Post
                            It is about going out and exploring and building. Don't expect a list of goals or objectives.

                            The best way to play is with people. My friends and I have a PC server set up and for the last few Fridays we have got together and gone exploring or building together. What was once nothing is now a growing tower city with a floating farm in the sky and a train track out to a glass house made on an island.

                            If you are playing it by yourself you will probably get bored but if you can play with a regular group, it becomes a good fun laid back social hang out game thing.
                            You made that sound really cool, looking forward to having a blast on the 360 one tonight.
                            No way would I of bought it, but I just won a copy from like many others.


                              It's part Lego set part survival and part exploration not sure if the Xbox version has it but the most fun I've had with this is in survival mode, digging deep underground and finding vast underground caves, dungeons full of monsters, or old abondand mine shafts is great fun, and in doing this you end up with enough resources to build some fantastic stuff above ground.

                              It gives you a real sense of accomplishment going from hideing in a cave on your first night with a few torches too building a massive fortress to protect yourself.

                              It doesn't hold your hand and maybe it should at least give you the tools to survive the first night, but once you get the basics in that dark is bad and you need a secure area that's lit to survive the nights it really Comes into its own

