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Summer of Dreamcast

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    Yup, it also always seems to get a fairly bad time from people I really liked it and think it still holds up reasonably well. The sequel was awful though.

    My VGA box arrived yesterday so once the cables arrive I'm good to go


      Did you manage to get an official one, CTN?

      Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33 View Post
      I actually rather liked Blue Stinger. It had a real B-movie quality to it, and some bits just leave you with a smile on your face (Christmas moving playing while you're killing monsters in a sci-fi setting, for example). Under-appreciated title.
      Never got round to playing Blue Stinger. Would you say it's aged well?

      Another under appreciated gem I've never played is Zombie Revenge. Need to pick that up at some point.


        Head Hunter was great. What's not to like?


          I think it just got a kicking because it reminded people of MGS at a time when MGS was the king franchise. Riding around on the motorbike (although loosely handled) was great and the soundtrack is brilliant. Loved the raining rooftop fight, looking forward to trying that again.

          I ended up just getting the unofficial one that looks like a mini-Xbox. It's the revised version which is silver. VGA cable came today so I just need the audio lead which should come tomorrow

          Zombie Revenge I remember being okay but its quite short and straightforward. Cannon Spike is too but I love the bit of fan service it provides.


            Though I'm not going to get a lot of time off during the Summer I think I might get back to playing the Dreamcast, its been too many years since I had a proper go on it. I'll have to check my loft but I think I've still got the likes of Power Stone, MSR, Soul Reaver, Soul Calibur, Sega Bass Fishing (with the Rod), Crazy Taxi. Being honest I never played Shenmue if I can get the time I will buy it and try and complete it over the Summer


              Typically I tried the VGA box and it worked a treat however during the move I lost my controller. Ordered a green one so only a few more days to go


                Top tip, you can get brand new official VMU's off Amazon for ?2.95, ordered a few during my last binge.


                  Head Hunter was a shame. Cool ideas, setting and characters but a shocking control system. I recently tried to replay it and it plays terribly today, it wasn't a fantastic game to play back then. The raining rooftop section was dire this time around, looked great though!

                  Blue Stinger is toilet! Even when it came out I couldn't stomach the utter badness. To me it only has any kind of reputation because there was nothing else to play on the machine at the time.


                    Originally posted by nakamura View Post

                    Blue Stinger is toilet! Even when it came out I couldn't stomach the utter badness. To me it only has any kind of reputation because there was nothing else to play on the machine at the time.

                    I remember getting Blue Stringer, HOD II , Marvel Vs Capcom and some ok-ish Indy Car sim on the same day off Lee (VGI) on Import I had enough games to play, bu I loved Blue Stinger in just the same way I love plenty of the old B-Move horror films (so bad they're good fun) . The game was just fun to play and totally over the top .Loved the Star Wars Ligtsaber the Huge guns and Big bosses even if the controls were dire (more so in the swimming section )

                    Mind you, I must admit to not being the biggest DC fan and celebrate the system like some . To me its not a patch on the Saturn and I enjoyed the Master System more too


                      Fair play if you enjoyed Blue Stinger, nowt wrong with that but the 'so bad it's good' sums it up for me.

                      The DC is a console I feel people make excuses for. Some amazing games but not as many as said and loads of them are very short lived experiences for me. Great for shooters and fighters mind.


                        For me the DC was riddled with great games but it's been watered down by how many were later available in some form elsewhere. Can't get the audio running so looks like I'll need speakers


                          I was there in '99. The Dreamcast made my dream come true with the MvC1 port, which was arcade perfect. I actually bought my machine for that game, both which a store carried in early summer. It was a JP unit.

                          Hydro Thunder was my most played Arcade game at the time and I was kinda disappointed with the port of that one. This also goes for SR2, which I think is one of the biggest travesties in gaming history. And VF3 disappointed to lesser extent, but there was SC making sure I didn't really care as much for VF3 as I would a year earlier.

                          But the DC had many fun games. Not great games per se (there are a few though), but fun games. There are a LOT of games out there that were absolutely not worth the full buck. 18 wheeler, Sports Jam... those kind of games. Absolutely retarded releases when I think of it. CT at least had some addictive scoring system to it that kept you coming back. Ferrari is still the best console racing I played. And I drooled over VO:OT.

                          One of the most brilliant games imo is D2. I absolutely loved it and played through both the Japanese and American versions. It was a true M-rated game that didn't hold back, THAT decapitation, man... awesome. One of the sickest games ever made. The atmosphere was incredible, trekking trough the tundra was great. When I played Journey I actually thought of D2 because of this. We'll probably never see it again but it would be great.

                          I hated Head Hunter. The load times and the bike were ridiculous and I had huge problems with the hit detection. It was only rated because it was some sort of a swan song I felt. I didn't enjoy it at all. Never played 2, but if its like the first game I could see it sinking into obscurity inbetween the pile of triple A games the Ps2 started to receive by then.
                          Last edited by saturn-gamer; 03-06-2012, 23:04.


                            I agree with all of that Saturn Gamer. I do like the machine but it is full more of short fun titles for me rather than AAA. That said Capcom vs SNK and Jet Set Radio are two of my fav ever games. I had loads of fun with my machine, bought a 98 JP launch model but I find that most titles that were not from Capcom of Sega dated really badly and quickly.


                              Also has to do with ****ty Windows CE. Without it we might've never gotten support from Eidos etc, but ultimately a lot of those high profile games like Tomb Raider were rather useless on the DC. Simple PC ports for quick cash. They looked better than PSX versions, but they were last-gen in everything.

                              RE: Code Veronica was about the only big IP that was being built on DC hardware. The rest of the big names didn't bother.
                              Last edited by saturn-gamer; 03-06-2012, 23:24.


                                No support from Eidos? That's a good thing IMO. All of their DC releases were crap. Tomb Raider was dead by that time if you ask me.

                                Dreamcast has loads of great games and as always you need to live in Japan to get the best out of the machine. Not so much as with the Saturn but still, there are many great games for Japan only. The best game on the Dreamcast apart from Shenmue was Phantasy Star Online 1 and Ver.2 On man, I played that every night from 12am to 5 am for almost a whole year. I loved that game when played online.

