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Cyberpunk 2077

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    Originally posted by Golgo View Post
    4 out of 10. Nice. Check 0:43 where the character kicks the car tire, it is priceless! Perfect metaphor of AAA gaming, I luvs it...
    Sure they post that now AFTER they’ve take their kick backs and marketing money for the release advert (i say advert because you can’t say something is a review if you have received it for fee and took money for advertising the product also).

    Whole thing is a joke.


      But saying they should have skipped current gen ( as in PS4 and xboxone ) is pointless , it’s those platforms it was being developed for all along


        Plans change, games jump format in development and, clearly, it doesn't run well on those platforms. As someone said a few pages back (unless I made it up, which is possible) they've really messed up by trying to make a next gen game for current systems.


          Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
          Plans change, games jump format in development and, clearly, it doesn't run well on those platforms. As someone said a few pages back (unless I made it up, which is possible) they've really messed up by trying to make a next gen game for current systems.
          Exactly... they may have planned all along to hit last gen hardware but looking at this in the cold light of day surely know realising it is never going to achieve their original vision they should have said... no actually its going to be next-gen and PC only.

          The last gen versions look like the switch port of the Witcher 3 when it came out. Maybe, just maybe they eek out enough to make it run almost decent enough on those platforms but the main issue they have right now is they didn't tell anyone how bad it was and they hid it from view believing (if you think it is the truth) that they would have it fixed by release.

          The other problem they have now is they've got a game which is great on PC and getting decent reviews but only now are we seeing coverage of the last gen versions trickling through. They've massively misinformed the public on that one and it should never have gone out, but as I said the next gen version IS the last gen version so they would have had to have released only on PC.

          I feel they have made the wrong decision here, but playing on Series X where it "works" I am glad its out personally!


            Originally posted by nonny View Post
            The last gen versions look like the switch port of the Witcher 3 when it came out.
            Speaking of which, I'm now looking forward to the Switch port of this. I feel the current gen versions have shown a Switch port would fit right in.


              Originally posted by Junko View Post
              But saying they should have skipped current gen ( as in PS4 and xboxone ) is pointless , it’s those platforms it was being developed for all along

              Maybe with hindsight the right thing to do would be not to have released on the old-gen, but they had already entered into commercial agreements with Microsoft and had spiralling costs to pay for. If 41% of their 8-million first week sales are consoles then the vast majority of that c.$200m revenue will be from older machines. And this excludes the sales happening from now on.

              Also depending on how soon their new multiplayer mode will release, they will be looking to drive revenue from MTX. So the wider install base the better.

              To me the problems sound like not that they released on the last-gen machines but more how they managed it.
              Last edited by Digfox; 15-12-2020, 11:16.


                Whilst it's true that plans change during development it's worth remembering that Cyberpunk has been in development since 2012, quite likely earlier than that. The games actual core design is nothing special, when everyone talks about the game being high end next-gen they're really referring to bells and whistles such as ray tracing which can be toggled off in an instant. Cyberpunk is a game that began development during the PS3 era, rode all the way through the PS4 era and now arrives on the cusp of the PS5 era but is in many ways less advanced than GTA5 that launched way back when this was already 12-24mths in gestation.

                Whilst the lighting and effects can be hardware pushing they are all late additions. The game has a very vertical built open world but it's all window dressing and looks larger than it is because of the first person view. You can't really do much with it, the broken AI isn't because of some last minute glitchy patching - it's simply not there, you can see in the early trailers how far along much of the same design content was and it's mostly aesthetics that have changed.

                I say this as someone thankfully playing the PC version but it feels inescapably clear that the studio only cared about the PC version, **** out the console versions because they knew they already had the sales and the userbase had already shown itself to be pretty brown tongued over Witcher. Also that any criticism would be easily brushed aside by the promise of next-gen versions that would probably just be watered down PC setting patches. This shouldn't be a surprise, the nastiness of CDProjekt in many areas is already a known factor but there's no chance that the game would be finalised to the required standard in 6 more months and no chance that patches can fix what has been delivered here. I'd hold off any expectations of next-gen patches too. Far more likely you'll get proper ports to next-gen in a years time titled GOTY Editions and an open hand ready to grab another £60.

                It's simply a hugely arrogant company taking on a project well beyond their ability thanks to overloud praise and money earnt from the previous game. Like an amateur hour version of Rockstar


                  Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                  but it feels inescapably clear that the studio only cared about the PC version, **** out the console versions because they knew they already had the sales and the userbase had already shown itself to be pretty brown tongued over Witcher. Also that any criticism would be easily brushed aside
                  How's that working out for them?

                  This game is getting loads of criticism, especially on the console side and on this forum too and rightly so - criticism is most certainly not getting brushed aside and ultimately this is going to damage CDPR's reputation - you're only as good as your last release, ask HelloGames.
                  Last edited by MartyG; 15-12-2020, 12:39.


                    Performance is the least of the issues for this game on PC, feels hugely unfinished.


                      Unless you have a reasonably decent PC, it's definitely not a game I'd recommend currently and my criticisms have mostly been outside of performance and glitches.

                      There are things to like about Cyberpunk 2077 - the story and side missions are exceedingly well written and it's shiny, if you focus solely on these things then there's a lot to praise.

                      However, that doesn't excuse the mess that is the last-gen console releases and unfinished game systems, and the fact CDPR tried to hide the reality of this behind a curtain really does tarnish any good will they earned from The Witcher 3.

                      I'm surprised that Microsoft and Sony let this pass certification in this state on PS4/Xbox One, even with the promise of a day one patch - the bear minimum bar for gold certification should be a stable 30 fps and if you can't manage that then no dice.


                        Originally posted by MartyG View Post
                        How's that working out for them?

                        This game is getting loads of criticism, especially on the console side and on this forum too and rightly so - criticism is most certainly not getting brushed aside and ultimately this is going to damage CDPR's reputation - you're only as good as your last release, ask HelloGames.
                        Absolutely, it's not to say people would brush it aside but just that the mindset of CDPR was clearly in the wrong place that it would be and they could afford to plop it to market in whatever lazy state they wanted. To avoid this happening again in future they'd have to change everything about their approach or just launch on PC first and leave consoles till later... hell, maybe just outsource them.


                          Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                          Absolutely, it's not to say people would brush it aside but just that the mindset of CDPR was clearly in the wrong place that it would be and they could afford to plop it to market in whatever lazy state they wanted. To avoid this happening again in future they'd have to change everything about their approach or just launch on PC first and leave consoles till later... hell, maybe just outsource them.
                          Yeah, I think "lazy state" is a little unfair considering the amount of delays and crunch the staff have put into it.

                          "Overambitious" is probably more fair.


                            My guess is that a lot of the problems can be traced back to an early underestimation of how much work the game would be and how long it would take them. Hindsight's a genius, obviously, but if only they had done what they did with the Witcher 3, and make it a relatively early next-gen only game. It was the game that got me to buy a PS4, as it was the first title that felt like a genuine step up over what was possible on the PS3.


                              Will not be surprised at all if they don't get slapped with a class action lawsuit over false advertising over this especially when they deliberately made sure the footage of the console versions wasn't leaked till after launch so nobody would be ble to cancel their preorders. They are gonna have to go well beyond what hello games did to make people trust them again.


                                Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                                Absolutely, it's not to say people would brush it aside but just that the mindset of CDPR was clearly in the wrong place that it would be and they could afford to plop it to market in whatever lazy state they wanted. To avoid this happening again in future they'd have to change everything about their approach or just launch on PC first and leave consoles till later... hell, maybe just outsource them.
                                I don't know if that's quite the case, my reasoning being that there were multiple delays. At several points in the process, they knew it wouldn't be good enough to release and held off. This time they made the decision to release. And as always "lazy" is an absolutely obnoxious word to use when referring to game development. Regardless of the shoddy state (and there is no getting around that it is shoddy), people worked their asses off through months of crunch. Those people are far, far from lazy. Nobody wants a bad game out there.

                                There are clearly major faults leading to the game being released in this state and, worse, withholding review copies of the console versions which shows management knew exactly what would happen (how couldn't they know?). They knew there would be fallout. So after several delays, I can't imagine anyone actually wanted it to be released this way.

