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E3 2012 : Your Highlights

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    Basically I cant add much to what others have said really ... Project P-100 was the more interesting title, with Watch Dogs probably being the highlight. Planetside 2 is looking great too which is something I wanted to see,


      Very little really:

      Metal Gear Rising
      Luigi's Mansion
      New Super Mario Bros. U also looked rather nice, but I'm a little worried that both this and NSMB2 for the 3DS come out so close together.

      I think that this E3 told me that I will probably spend more time playing games on my iPad than an anything else this year, something I didn't ever think I would say.


        PES 2013: Two brilliant trailers one slightly off. The 3rd trailer is especially brilliant with player ID.
        MGS: RR: Looks brilliant apparently plays brilliant too.
        Rs 6: Looks cool.


          Halo 4 looked amazing as far as I'm concerned, Black Ops 2 looked decent and quite like the look of Star Wars 1313 but apart from that not much really.


            that we didnt know about beforehand, the only thing i'm interested in is Pikmin 3. i'll get a wii u eventually, but no way at launch.

            general highlights, that i was already looking at anyway, metal gear rising still looks amazing. just a shame its next year. paper mario looks good, and probably luigis mansion 2. and i guess were looking at the end of the year for both of them too.

            so not a great deal really. i thought the whole thing was a bit boring this year.


              Forgot about Tomb Raider. ..

              Pre-show I thought it was going to be something very special.
              Now, im not so sure. Action seemed too scripted and basically too actiony, and the exploration looks really hemmed in. Graphics and concept are fantastic, but they seem to have gone too far on the cinematic route rather than the Indiana Jones route. Maybe that's what they felt they had to show, time will tell.


                Biggest surprise for me was Halo4.

                I was just expecting another iteration but what was displayed look almost better than my expectations in every single facet. It really looked like 343 had done their homework, made the right design choices and are about to deliver the first real major upgrade for Halo since they added multiplayer in Halo2.

                I think that is even more surprising when it's still on current hardware.

                Other than that Watchdogs and Star Wars 1313 surely gave us a glimpse to 12 months from now when E3 2013 rolls around. They looked great if underneath they were cookie-cutter GTA/Uncharted game mechanics. At least we can see where graphical levels are going to be for next gen.

                I thought the Wii-U had a good outing and I liked the Pro Controller. I may yet buy one but to be honest my biggest fear is even though the hardware is decent by todays standards I wonder if it will age at a horrific rate when the other contenders enter the ring? I know Nintendo have their 1st party franchises to carry it through but not many of those actually interest me.

                The last thing I was really thinking about having seen what is being described now and what the next year or so will bring is basically this content anywhere and multi-peripheral approach to gaming. Nintendo want you to experience a tablet device in new ways. MS wants to plug into standard tablet/phone devices to add an extra layer and on the whole the conventional experience seems to be changing?

                The one thing I took from Smart Glass as a technology is that it was limited but it has a tonne of potential. I watched someone playing with that new Moga controller for Android (and iOS) which is basically a bluetooth 360 controller that holds the phone at an angle akin to a 3DS. Then I wondered whether MS would look at that as a potential way to get console games to play on a phone using Smart Glass to stream the content?

                Maybe not on current hardware but who knows?

                I guess the biggest thing to take from E3 this year is that most of the actual live conference stuff was painful but there were definite signs that next year is going to be a major new marathon.


                  Beyond looks good along with Last of Us and Paper Mario. Love the look of Luigi's Mansion too even if Nintendo are taking forever with it, Halo 4 was of note mostly because of how much better it looks than expected, showing how lazy they'd been with the last few from a visual standpoint. Generally though it was the weakest E3 in years. With all the delays to 2013 next year looks to be brilliant for gamers whilst 2012 is something of a wet fish. I feel generally winded rather than just in relation to the show.

                  Nintendo completely p***ed away a perfect opportunity to get a foot in the door for the next-gen race, Sony seem to have run out of steam for this gen and their show for the Vita was idiotic and awful, MS was their usual E3 self, wasting time of things like Smartglass which are a waste of time. It might have some legs but it won't be with the 360.


                    I think we have to remember that the world is also in financial meltdown, the money is just not on tap like it has been, cash flow is crippling just about every industry out there.
                    Hopefully we will go back to games that are all about the gameplay rather than cinematic epics that cost millions and millions and are dull as ditchwater.

