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Halo 2: Enhanced Edition

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    Halo 2: Enhanced Edition

    OXM has claimed that a remake in the same mould of Halo: Anniversary is in the works for Halo 2. It's referred to as Halo 2 Anniversary but unless they're going to take over 2 more years to make it, it seems more likely to be classed as just a HD update.

    If they could fix the confusing plot it would be most welcome.


      At least Sony put their HD remasters into double packs!


        If it has Halo 2 multiplayer (untouched) with all the maps included I will be ALL over it.
        Some of my best online gaming NTSC-UK sessions were on Halo 2, after Halo 1 CE this was inevitable puts the entire series on 360, until Halo 5 of course.


          I'm not too fussed to be honest

          Halo Anniversary was exactly what it was a 10 year old game that has been superceded by every game in the franchise since, it was incredibly tedious, not how I remembered it at all.
          Walk along, dropship drops countless waves of enemies walk some more, dropship drops waves and waves and waves of enemies. The later games didn't rely on this and were far more varied, even in ODST/Reach with these wave of enemy sections, the areas were all set up specifically for this and were often at quite dramatic moments.
          I defy anyone who says it is the best campaign in the series.
          Rose tinted glasses.

          And that was before I even got to the horrendous flood sections.
          I would perhaps be less harsh on it had the co-op netcode that Sabre Interactive wedged into the game not be so atrocious, 1 player would have almost unplayable latency the entire time. Awful.

          I do think they did quite a good job in making it look like a more current gen game, especially impressive considering you could switch it to retro textures and geometry on the fly, although I would argue they did entirely change the aesthetics and atmosphere of certain areas.

          I only played through Halo 2 once (in french) before I switched to retail multiplayer and hammered it for 18 months, but from what I recall it was a little more cinematic and much more in line with modern FPS titles, so perhaps it will player better?

          The fact they are taking 2 years to make it (given that HCEA came out 10 months ago) suggests that it might be a bigger overhaul than the first game had?
          Perhaps they will be remaking it altogether in the Halo 4 engine?


            Halo 2 graphically has aged well thanks to the native 720p patch that was released on Xbox Live and it being released later in the Xbox's life. So it will take more than a HD upgrade to justify a release. I'll still buy it though. :/


              dreadful game tbh, I love the first one but that aside the series is pretty bog standard - I do have some hope for thew new one though...


                Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                I'm not too fussed to be honest

                Halo Anniversary was exactly what it was a 10 year old game that has been superceded by every game in the franchise since, it was incredibly tedious, not how I remembered it at all.
                Walk along, dropship drops countless waves of enemies walk some more, dropship drops waves and waves and waves of enemies. The later games didn't rely on this and were far more varied, even in ODST/Reach with these wave of enemy sections, the areas were all set up specifically for this and were often at quite dramatic moments.
                I defy anyone who says it is the best campaign in the series.
                Rose tinted glasses.

                And that was before I even got to the horrendous flood sections.
                I would perhaps be less harsh on it had the co-op netcode that Sabre Interactive wedged into the game not be so atrocious, 1 player would have almost unplayable latency the entire time. Awful.

                I beat Halo Anniversary and it was the first time I had beaten Halo 1, I started the Halo series with 3 and just didnt' get what the big deal about Halo 1 was. There are so many repetitive missions and corridor after corridor sections which feel very tedious. One of the levels also is basically a repaste of an earlier level which is far from fun to play.
                It was a good enjoyable game but I don't think it' the best Halo game. I'd take Halo 3 or Reach over it any day.


                  We may have to take shelter in a bunker together to protect us.

                  I rate Halo 3 as the best campaign in the series, not only that but it was the first to have the recorded videos and forge and a greatly expanded multiplayer.


                    Really didnt enjoy 2...I remember getting so annoyed at one point I lobbed my pad at the wall. Would have been fine except I hit a bottle of Issey Miyake aftershave that exploded and thats all I could smell in my room for about 2 years!!

                    So now Halo 2 and Issey Miyake both make me feel a bit sick when mentioned.


                      It was always the multiplayer that had me hooked (I've played 1173 hours and 30 minutes of Online Halo Multiplayer exc campaign/firefight ), I wonder if there will be some Halo 2 maps to go along with this, that would be the bestest.


                        Having recently played through Halo's still my favourite. I can totally understand the things that annoy people but for me it has that mix of levels I like and weapon selection where every weapon has it's own use (some of the later games seem to add weapons for the sake of it) that it was just that bit more memorable for me.

                        Halo 2 however was my least favourite with only about 3-4 levels really standing out. It was really pushing the hardware too so from a technical point of view I found it a bit rough around the edges which kind of soured the experience too. I might give this a go if they do as good of a job that they did with Anniversary though....

                        My Halo rankings -

                        Halo > Reach >> ODST/Halo 3 >>> Halo 2


                          In Halo 2 and to a lesser extent 3, the duplication of weapons for covenant/human didn't always result in as big a variation as their should of been i.e. Human Sniper, Covenant Sniper

                          In reach they had sorted that out, every weapon with the exception of the plasma repeater had a distinct use and served it's own function or worked in particular situation.


                            Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                            I'm not too fussed to be honest

                            Halo Anniversary was exactly what it was a 10 year old game that has been superceded by every game in the franchise since, it was incredibly tedious, not how I remembered it at all.
                            Walk along, dropship drops countless waves of enemies walk some more, dropship drops waves and waves and waves of enemies. The later games didn't rely on this and were far more varied, even in ODST/Reach with these wave of enemy sections, the areas were all set up specifically for this and were often at quite dramatic moments.
                            I defy anyone who says it is the best campaign in the series.
                            Rose tinted glasses.

                            And that was before I even got to the horrendous flood sections.
                            I would perhaps be less harsh on it had the co-op netcode that Sabre Interactive wedged into the game not be so atrocious, 1 player would have almost unplayable latency the entire time. Awful.

                            I do think they did quite a good job in making it look like a more current gen game, especially impressive considering you could switch it to retro textures and geometry on the fly, although I would argue they did entirely change the aesthetics and atmosphere of certain areas.

                            I only played through Halo 2 once (in french) before I switched to retail multiplayer and hammered it for 18 months, but from what I recall it was a little more cinematic and much more in line with modern FPS titles, so perhaps it will player better?

                            The fact they are taking 2 years to make it (given that HCEA came out 10 months ago) suggests that it might be a bigger overhaul than the first game had?
                            Perhaps they will be remaking it altogether in the Halo 4 engine?
                            Rose tinted specs? I've always said it was ****e for these very reasons. No one agreed with me back then.


                              My Halo rankings...

                              Perfect Dark > Counter Strike Source > Quake 3 Arena > Halo 2/3 (non campaign)

