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That Halo 2 Rumour

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    "Trade-in 4 Xbox titles and receive any of the following for $9.99: Halo 2, Counter-Strike, Project Gotham Racing 2, Fable and Ninja Gaiden."
    Isn't Fable due next year? Maybe they're going to release that on the following Monday, known in Microsoft camps as "burgundy Monday"


      I hereby name this rumour Teh Haloton!


        To be honest i could see it happening as there proposed release date is beginning of next year which is hardly the best time to release a game of this magnitude as everyone is still recovering after the christmas period. It would still sell millions even if they release next year but release it at the end of this year when peeps are deciding which console to choose and watch the sales of the xbox and halo 2 rise.


          It's hardly the beginning is it? It's Q2, that gives people 3 months to repair their pockets I don't think with a game such as Halo 2 it matters when MS release it, it's going to see ****loads regardless.


            I was thinking it was the end of january for some reason


              with all the great games now hitting the shelves for the xbox, if they pull this feat off and do release it in November it will be the final cherry on the cake to what is going to be the uber xmas for Xbox. However, somehow I can't see them pulling off such a stunt and keeping it secret so well.



                I'd love for it to be true, but let's face it, this is almost certainly another one of those hopeful fanboyist storms whipped up. MS probably have some announcement planned for November 15th, agreed, but it isn't going to be the imminent release of Halo 2.

                If it ends up true I'll run naked through the streets of my home town. That's how certain I am that this is all BS.

                The only tidbit I can pass on here is that a while back on Gamecentral, I remember whoever replies to the letters saying they'd heard MS was apparently rushing Bungie on getting Halo 2 out of the door.

                Which isn't exactly a great sign in itself. But that's probably not true either.

                Internet rumours... Do they know no limit?


                  Originally posted by Flabio
                  Adding fuel to the fire, cause I find things like this fun... is this the novelisation? Due for release on the 1st of December, you'd hope it would be out AFTER the game...

                  From that synopsis, its either the Halo2 novelisation, or its a story set between 1 and 2...
                  Completely off topic, but I'm glad Eric Nylund is the one writing this. He wrote the first Halo book, which was several orders of magnitude better than the second. Glad to see they went back to him.

                  As for Halo 2 being released this month...

                  Must. Resist. Hoping. Can't. Give. In.

                  Gah!!! Can it be?!?!


                    Completely off topic, but god bless

                    [Shows screen with Bungie logo]
                    "That's an 'i' you idiot."

                    So come on Bingle, give everyone a very nice Christmas present.


                      As exciting as it would be this month, I'd only want H2 released if it were properly ready.

                      Better next year & finished than this year & rushed.


                        Originally posted by charlie angel
                        As exciting as it would be this month, I'd only want H2 released if it were properly ready.

                        Better next year & finished than this year & rushed.
                        Totally agreed. But, what if all the talk about needing more time was pure distraction? What if it was already close to being ready, but MS put people off so as to make the rest of the industry lower their guard? I'm so intrigued...


                          Quick, Dumb, Obvious Question.

                          Can anyone who doesn't have the EB (or similiar) website blocked by work confirm if the current UK bundle of machine, Halo and Midtown 3 is already out in the US? If not yet, then I'd expect this to turn up in time for Christmas there as well.


                            Totally agreed. But, what if all the talk about needing more time was pure distraction? What if it was already close to being ready, but MS put people off so as to make the rest of the industry lower their guard? I'm so intrigued...
                            Don't. Hope in this thread is like wishing for a rather tasty pie to suddenly fall out of the sky in front of all the pie fans waiting at the gates of the pie factory.

                            'Tis evil I tell thee...

                            Halo 2 isn't being released this year. And that's that!


                              Here's another thought though.

                              The X03 event this year... Most observers thought it was a little flat, didn't they? Everyone was hoping (almost expecting) new information, a trailer or maybe even a demo to be shown on Halo 2. Yet Bungie wouln't reveal anything new and all that we were given was a single screenshot.

                              A lot of people were mildly disappointed by this show of secrecy, and had expected MS to show some more of it's star in-development game. Now maybe, just maybe, if Halo 2 were to make it out this year... That could possibly account for the reluctance to show anything new at MS's recent high profile European PR exercise.

                              There's probably nothing in it of course.


                                Yay! another RedvsBlue fan - I love the Bloodgulch diarys! They're hilarious ^ ^

