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Blazblue: Chrono Phantasma

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    duh, shoulda checked that! Thanks for that dude.

    It's not gonna cause me issues online is it?? i.e forcing me to play US dudes or peeps with horrendous lag...?




        Anyone got any clues as to if this will get a physical release on the PS VITA in Europe? I'm waiting out for this and will buy it upon release (as long as it actually gets a release). C'mon ASW, get on it.


          You SERIOUSLY think they're gonna bother with Vita when they didn't bother with PS3? I mean, with all due respect, come on...


            I just picked up a US one on eBay for my upcoming Vita... I haven't spent much time with this series at all, but am looking forward to it. Hopefully there's some sort of tutorial mode to teach me the ropes...


              The tutorial in BlazBlue is usually pretty comprehensive.

              I mean, before I took a look I must have player 50 hours of Calamity Trigger without knowing what a counter assault is.


                Originally posted by Paddy View Post
                Anyone got any clues as to if this will get a physical release on the PS VITA in Europe? I'm waiting out for this and will buy it upon release (as long as it actually gets a release). C'mon ASW, get on it.
                Not a chance I'm afraid PQube used to publish the games in Europe but they look like a front company that helped Japanese studio publish in the west.

                Ark flooded the market with too many versions and BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend, bombed in Europe big time. They shouldn't really have bothered of releasing it in Europe as it was only a minor update and instead should have just gone with Blazblue: Chrono Phantasma which would have sold a lot better as it's a proper sequel.

                I'm guessing after BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend bombed they deemed the risk of releasing it at retail to great.


                  I've found your average fan barely knows the difference between them too, being within the anime convention goer community in the UK at least.

                  I'm sure I know people that happily play CT still.

                  Remember the PAL cover for that? Jesus...

                  Picked up a JP copy of CT on eBay the other day for ?4.20 posted. Pretty happy with that. Gonna get JP Extend off my mate, get CP from P-A and my JP BBCS is signed by Mori which I've owned since release. Love this series of games, just wish more people played them.

                  Even as a fan though, the frequency of updates is annoying. As soon as I bought Extend originally they had location tests for BBCP...
                  Last edited by speedlolita; 17-07-2014, 15:47.


                    Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                    I've found your average fan barely knows the difference between them too, being within the anime convention goer community in the UK at least.

                    I'm sure I know people that happily play CT still.

                    Remember the PAL cover for that? Jesus...
                    Yep it's awful I heard it was some NEOGAF compo winner too.

                    I have the limited edition releases for all three PAL versions on Xbox360, but I'll just have to get a digital release of the new one, mucking around with Japanese and USA PSN cards for the DLC is too much hassle.


                      I don't think the PAL CT boxart is bad, I like it more than "Hey lets shove every single character on the box like everyone else does".


                        There was a bit of controversy because the CT cover is not the winner of the contest held on NeoGAF, PQube asked the same artist to redo the cover with a more "marketable" character and feeling to it.


                          Originally posted by briareos_kerensky View Post
                          There was a bit of controversy because the CT cover is not the winner of the contest held on NeoGAF, PQube asked the same artist to redo the cover with a more "marketable" character and feeling to it.
                          I see what you mean BK,

                          The winning entry was a bit better, still not great, manual cover was much better.


                            Screenshots of Celica and Lambda.

                            Character art on the selection screen is kinda meh for both, with Lambda almost in "bad" territory, as if they tasked a different artist than the rest.


                              Celica in action (skip to 2:27 if you don't care about BB Radio)


                                2014年12月18日発売の週刊ファミ通では、アークシステムワークスの対戦格闘ゲーム『ブレイブルー クロノファンタズマ エクステンド』の最新情報を掲載!

                                chrono phantasam extend coming to ps3/ps4 and i think xbox one...dam you arc systems and your constant updates

