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Play Expo Manchester 13-14 October 2012

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    Really enjoyed this. Well spaced and hours flew by on the various retro and pinball machines. WiiU actually impressed in terms of the controller and ZombiU. NFS was fun also, MOH less so. Biggest letdown would be MGRising, so much wrong


      Not sure how many of the Bordersdown lot here went, but I managed to make it to the Sunday event, which was my first time at this type of event and I had mixed feelings initially, as it was packed out, and I couldn't get to sample anything without waiting a long time for... there seemed to be tournament going on for mainly FPS games. It was only near the end of the day when crowds went down that I got to sample the likes Metal Gear Rising, Wii-U, NFS Most wanted and a load of retro arcade, consoles and computers.

      The Wii-U felt a bit cumbersome and plastic like, although I was happy to see the high resolution of the tiny tough screen on the Wii-U tablet, dunno why but i thought the screen would only be slightly better than the 3DS I was disappointed the Wii-U now only sits flat on it self and not upright no more, could have saved so much shelf space given its longer size over the original...

      But of all the parts of the event, I think I had the most fun at the arcades / pinball machines and consoles section... reliving past moments and experiencing machines i have never heard of over and over... Free play is always good in my eyes...

      It was nice to see a retro store there - such a joy to rifle through stacks of retro games for a change, bringing back memories of when i was younger and raiding the Snes, DC, Saturn and Game Gear games sections in stores... In fact when i was rifling through the Game Gear section i thought of our very own Noobish Hat, who has had a recent resurgence in game gear activity on here

      Overall a pleasant atmosphere, it's nice to meet and witness so many other peeps who have the same enthusiasm for games as i do, all under one roof. Although I have to say the Cos Play was a bit beyond me really... seeing sub 14 year old girls in scantily clad outfits for Final Fantasy etc... whilst a sea of grown bearded men happily snap their pictures was too much for my liking... but each to their own. TBH I felt out of my depth in parts, as the high level of 'geekism' was very much apparent, but the staff were friendly and I got the impression that people just wanted to have a fun time.

      Was it worth the travel and expenses? sure why not... always happy to support a life long pass time of mine...

      Will I do it again? I guess I would, but only really to play the retro consoles and arcades again Nostalgia gets me all the time Ive a feeling that with even more backing and sponsorship, this event will only get bigger in the future...

      Oh and thank you to Charlie Bear for putting me on the 'guest list' and to the peeps at Replay for the hook up.



        We've uploaded some of our pics from the weekend are you in one them?

        A larger set is available on Flickr

        Was a great few days, met some lovely people who I've been speaking to across the internetz for a while now & a absolute bucket load of new faces! The time really did fly past this time, can't wait for the next one


          Gutted I missed this show damn 12hr shifts no lifewould have loved the retro scene and would have loved the chance to have a peek at the wii u





              A few NSFW moments, but a great video from We Are Super Massive!

