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Rain (PSN Japan Studio)

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    Rain (PSN Japan Studio)

    Ahead of Gamescom Sony has trademarked the name ip Rain

    The link directly above this has a gif which is said to be from the game, showing a QTE. The game would be for the PS3.

    Sony also registered the trademark for Until Dawn. Sony's conference for Gamescom is on 14th August

    Quicktime events were lame in Shenmue. It's now 2012.
    Perhaps this is Shenmue 3.


      Maybe it's a less depressing version of Heavey Rain.


      'oh there you are'


        You play a boy who appears only in the rain. Otherwise, just foot splashes in puddles.

        You appear as a ghost style silhouette.


          Rain (PSN Japan Studio)

          New IP from Japan Stuido, looked very nice from Trailer, music was enchanting.
          About a boy who is invisible and can only be seen in the Rain, you saw the boy running around street in rain and would appear as a silhouette/ghost in the rain and he turns invisible under cover.


            Damn, forgot about this thread
            Looked REALLY nice for PSN, from Japan Studio.




                Hopefully this makes some ingenious use of the concept rather than him just disappearing, it looks alright and has a nice mood to it though


                  Some new gameplay.

                  Has an almost point & click feel to it in some ways.


                    Incredibly archaic yet so charming. Fantastic example of fix'd-camera use, much like Resident Evil and Silent Hill of old.

                    I see this is a welcome nod to the past. It's both heartfelt and beautiful.
                    ----Member since April 2002



                      Read the Eurogamer article and watched the video. No combat sounds brilliant and should help emphasise the players feeling of being lost and uncertain. The boys movements remind me a lot of Ico.

                      It will be DL only but they could have made a lovely disc version of this.


                        They probably will in Japan.
                        Kept you waiting, huh?


                          I thought this was the sequel to Heavy Rain, with the weather getting steadily better. The next game could be called Drizzle, maybe followed by Overcast.

                          Seriously this looks brilliant, I love Japan Studio. When is it out?!


                            Originally posted by Adam Stone View Post
                            Incredibly archaic yet so charming.
                            Don't think it's archaic at all. The little boy is not blessed with super powers and is meant to come across as vulnerable. The fixed camera is also there to aid live sequences. It looks great.


                              Originally posted by wakka View Post
                              I thought this was the sequel to Heavy Rain, with the weather getting steadily better. The next game could be called Drizzle, maybe followed by Overcast.

                              Seriously this looks brilliant, I love Japan Studio. When is it out?!
                              Playstation C.A.M.P! is the reason we have Rain so I'm expecting good things, short video did not disappoint.
                              Loved Echochrome, Patchwork Heroes/100 ton bara bara and Tokyo Jungle, it's a great division of Japan Studio.
                              Japan Studio have just announced Puppeteer is out September so I would hazard a guess around then, they debuted both of these games at gamescom so they may release around same time, possibly, hopefully.
                              Can't wait for both of these games from Studio Japan.

