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Transformers : Cybertron Adventures [Wii] -- a flawed but hidden gem?

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    Transformers : Cybertron Adventures [Wii] -- a flawed but hidden gem?

    I picked this up on a whim, expecting it to end up on its way to the charity shop, but I think I may have unearthed something a little special.

    Admittedly this game is a few years old. And, if you go by reviews online, it's got outdated graphics, a terrible story and is a bit repetitive, with badly done Transforming segments dotted through it.

    All of these things are true. BUT

    It's great!

    The game is on a conveyor belt, with the main part being in the robot mode. I've had a really good time using this section's simple duck out of cover - zoom in - headshot game mechanic, with a score multiplier for consecutive hits that gets eaten away by jumping into cover. There is some choice in weapons, with sniping / locking in / manual fire being the main options. The sequence of picking a weapon, zooming in for the hit, then ducking in and out of cover with practice becomes a flow, and it's possible to hit high scores with multipliers.

    The actual transforming into a car / plane happens automatically during about a third of each level, and to be honest is crap. I pointed my vehicle in the right direction and waited for the good bits. By doing that it's tolerable, and definitely not enough to detract from the whole thing. There are some challenge modes, and though it's not that hard to finish the game the high scores are where it's all at. The Transformers license is used appropriately, and it feels like there's that little drop of love for the characters in there.

    This won't change the world, and there are a lot of things that could be done better, but it will make a boring Monday locked in the house with man-flu go that little bit quicker. Has anyone else played it? Am I delusional, or did the reviews online fail to see past the blocky graphics?

    I think this guy got it:

    But this one definitely didn't: [although nothing he says is untrue, he forgets to try to get a high score]

    Just seen this thread: -- should this be moved there?


      Possible needs to be moved.

      I think this got compared the the PS3/360 game that came out the same time and then generally got slammed. Not got it myself but may add it to my watchlist if I can find it dirt cheap.

      I was thinking of the War For Cybertron game that got slammed actually.
      Last edited by kryss; 04-09-2012, 18:14.


        Isn't this made by the punch out/mario strikers guys? If so it wouldn't surprise me if they've managed to sneak a good game in behind the rush/lack of polish that goes with licenced games.


          Yes, Next Level -- haven't played Mario Strikers but I guess any company that can make a control scheme as simple but layered as Wii Punch Out can knock out a duck-and-cover mechanic in their spare time for a licence. The balance board tie-in was a bit weird in Punch Out though, I may be completely wrong... absolutely, pick it up if it's going cheap, it only cost me a few quid.

          How do I move a thread / post? Mods?

