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Video game soundtracks.

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    Video game soundtracks.

    While talking to Nokgod on retro gamer, the subject of soundtracks popped up. I thought I would pop up some of the best Final Fantasy stuff I have that is official. I also have a few unofficial soundtracks and some other games too, probably about 50 soundtracks in all, give or take.

    I have always been a fan, others I have are things like Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger/Cross, Outrun 2, Rez, Jet Set Radio and Suikoden. I do listen to them too and i'm not bothered to admit that.





    FFIX plastic box cover.

    FFIX innards.

    FFX. This also has a plastic bag and holder which is stored away.

    FFXI L.E




      Nice collection. I've got all those. But have you got one of these...?


      Actually I was just listening to Pray yesterday. I adore that album. I also love the Potion collections. Yes, I know all the tracks are contained in these CDs here but they're a really good selection and make for lovely listening. That FFXII LE OST you have was the last full FF game OST I think I bought. Never got the FFXIII OST. But I got the two Piano Opera CDs a couple of weeks back (not fantastic to be honest) and bought the FFXIV OSTs digitally - a new batch just went up on iTunes and they're really excellent. I highly recommend them.


        I don't have much in the way of game music, but I do have the Okami Official Soundtrack:

        There's some incredible music on there, and the package itself is pretty damn awesome.

        Other than that, I have, er... not much besides the "The Last Story Collector's Edition" CD, which was rubbish.


          I don't have the VI piano collections, very smart it is!

          That Okami one is absolutely fantastic!


            Wow, that Okami package is lovely. Really nice! Nakamura, the early piano collections are really good - I'd recommend picking up the reprints. The newer Piano Opera ones just don't seem to have the same life or energy. That FFVI one is one of the original 1994 NTT books that has all the sheet music (see below). I'd love to have got the FFIV and V ones too but they cost a ridiculous amount back in the day.

            My other OST favourites are the Panzer Dragoon OSTs and arranged albums. Again, some of those const me a bloody fortune back when I got them. Spent way too much on VGM at one point.


              I also have the Final Fantasy VI Piano book/cd. Well....the CD as my dog got the book
              I remember seeing the ad in Newtype magazine then using some world books order service and waiting about 3 months for it!

              When things were that hard back then its no wonder I go mad spending on the net as its too easy


                Your dog got the book?! I would have been in tears. Did you pay a lot for it?

                Edit: Actually speaking of tears, we had a break-in years ago at work and a bunch of my VGM was stolen. I can't remember what now exactly except the one I miss most - the Pocket Fighter OST. It even had stickers...
                Last edited by Dogg Thang; 09-09-2012, 19:32.


                  It was well over 30 quid definitely but I cant remember exactly...I wont look on Ebay to see how much they go for now though just to save my state of calm!


                    No idea what they go for now but before the Square plain CD reprint, they went for a few hundred at least. Quite possibly less now due to that reprint filling the void.


                      Originally posted by noobish hat View Post



                        Finally got the pic together.


                          Cool stuff there. I love the boxes of most of them. SMG just oozes charm.


                            My most listened to one is F-Zero AX/GX.


                              Yeah that one is damn cool. I bet it is pretty rare now.

