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IGN Beyond Good and Evil Review...

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    IGN Beyond Good and Evil Review...

    Originally posted by scottcr
    Also... if you really want to get annoyed, read the BGE review. "It's zelda for adults".
    So I checked it out. Jesus christ! They put down Zelda the entire review. The even take time to swipe at Metroid Prime's "tedious" scanning.

    What has cracked over at IGNCube? It is clear to anyone that they have some kind of Anti Nintendo vendetta at present. And that isn't a Pro Nintendo opinion, its plain to see. They seem to constantly be taking swipes and digs. You would think it was Team XBox or a rabid Anti Nintendo fan site.

    Here are some examples from the BGE review...

    Quick summary? It's Zelda for grown-ups, without the annoying fetch-quests.
    There's another Zelda parallel here, obviously, but thankfully, Pey'j and Double H have far more personality and charisma than a bird-girl or a talking leaf.
    There are several boss characters, and what they may lack in dramatic hugeness they make up for by putting up a good fight -- just the opposite of Zelda's gigantic yet surprisingly facile boss encounters.
    (and yes, that includes Zelda's flat story and tedious item-chasing)
    I wouldn't mind these comments had they not given Zelda a 9.5 or whatever it was.

    You can argue that games are from different reviewers, well in that case, reviewers should refrain from making comparisons. Its a sign of laziness (not always, but definitely in IGNs case).

    They are absolutely shocking.

    EDIT: Oh for those that want to know, BGE got a 9.0. Sounds like a great game, but some annoying load times and its only 10-12 hours long (oh no! )

    I played the PC demo and thought it was fairly weak. Dodgy camera made it too difficult to see what was going on. Not on my list.


      I have got it on my buy list. I like the idea of using the camera, but some bits looked really slow in the videos i've checked out.


        There Mario Kart review scares me, a 7.9 from ign is really like a 4 or 5 lol


          Just for the record, BG&E is pretty much like Zelda and it is great... but anyone putting down Zelda for the sake of it needs their head examined. Or, in the case of IGN, locked up.


            Only 10 - 12 hours? Brill, I loooooovvvvveee short games. Means I can feel a sense of accomplishment when I beat them. And my feelings for the game (providing it's halfway good) aren't spoiled when it exposed to repetition.

            Why I love the Eyetoy and Pikmin. And why I dislike SSB:M


              A little bit off-topic, but isn't it strange that both Prince of Persia and Beyond Good & Evil (both on my buy list) are released in the US this very month while Europe has no clear release dates. Reminds me of those "old" PAL days...


                Originally posted by Joe Musashi
                A little bit off-topic, but isn't it strange that both Prince of Persia and Beyond Good & Evil (both on my buy list) are released in the US this very month while Europe has no clear release dates. Reminds me of those "old" PAL days...
                Weren't they Europe exclusives for Sony. I had a suspicion, when OXM UK used PS2 screengrabs with the PS2 control showing on screen.


                  Originally posted by Crispin
                  Originally posted by Joe Musashi
                  A little bit off-topic, but isn't it strange that both Prince of Persia and Beyond Good & Evil (both on my buy list) are released in the US this very month while Europe has no clear release dates. Reminds me of those "old" PAL days...
                  Weren't they Europe exclusives for Sony. I had a suspicion, when OXM UK used PS2 screengrabs with the PS2 control showing on screen.
                  Time-limited exclusivity last I heard, bit like Splinter Cell was last christmas. I hate it when they do that


                    Originally posted by Crispin
                    Originally posted by Joe Musashi
                    A little bit off-topic, but isn't it strange that both Prince of Persia and Beyond Good & Evil (both on my buy list) are released in the US this very month while Europe has no clear release dates. Reminds me of those "old" PAL days...
                    Weren't they Europe exclusives for Sony. I had a suspicion, when OXM UK used PS2 screengrabs with the PS2 control showing on screen.
                    I hope this isn't true. Can anyone confirm this exclusivity? If so, I'm forced to buy freeloader and import those games.


                      It is true.
                      It was reported on this site a while back from what i can remember. Sony have them exclusively for the christmas period.
                      Whatever way you look at it its a canny strategy.


                        Haven't seen much on BG&E, but if Prince of Persia is limited to one platform I'll be steaming. Sony must pay a lot of cash to overcome the big sales they should both got on Xbox and GC over Christmas.


                          Yep, Prince is a Europe PS2 exclusive for a while. As is I-Ninja, if you care.


                            Dammit. That means I'll have to reconnect my PS2 again. And find the dodgy composite cable I insist on using. ft:



                              As I have a PAL Cube, is there any chance to play the games using freeloader. I don't know if I can wait until 2004 for those games.

