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BioWare Founders Greg Zeschuk and Ray Muzyka Retire

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    BioWare Founders Greg Zeschuk and Ray Muzyka Retire

    thats the end of bioware......though could say they have not been the same since ea bought them

    I blame Mass Effect fans

    What have bioware got brewing?

    Dragon Age 3, anything else?


      I love Mass Effect 3. Its an improvement over 2 in every aspect. Also like the horde mode. Brilliant game that gets too much flak. I don't care about the ending. Its the game I like. I hated the ending of FFVII too.


        Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
        I love Mass Effect 3. Its an improvement over 2 in every aspect.
        Yeah right, what aspects would those be? There were less characters and they weren't as interesting as in ME2 and the environments weren't as interesting as Omega either. There was less interaction with the crew members and the combat was probably 90% against Cerberus troops. Come to think of it, I don't really remember that much about ME3 even though I played it more recently than ME2. The opening of ME2 alone was more memorable than anything in ME3.

        Most likely BioWare will soon be a "has-been" like Rare. Then again they haven't made a better game than Baldur's Gate II yet and that was back in 2000...


          Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
          I love Mass Effect 3... Also like the horde mode. Brilliant game that gets too much flak...
          I'm still playing the multiplayer. Even though I was very sceptical about it and thought it didn't fit within the context of the story. I'll gladly eat my hat on this one, as I got this one totally wrong.

          It's addictive.

          Originally posted by Guts View Post
          ... and the environments weren't as interesting as Omega either...
          Funny you should mention Omega:

          Originally posted by Bioware Blog
          Executive Producer Casey Hudson and his team are coming off an amazing eight-year run with the Mass Effect trilogy. But they?re not done yet. We are releasing more multiplayer content and we have more single-player stories coming throughout the next six months, including Omega which is coming in the Fall. But the Mass Effect universe is vast, and Casey and our teams have plans for another full game. ?Where to go next?? with such a project has been a question a lot of us have been asking, and we?d all love to hear your ideas.
          Reggae Reggae Sauce


            NEWS JUST IN


            After my departure I’m going to be spending significant time with family and friends, as well as pursuing some personal passion-driven projects related to craft beer. The main project I will be working on is a web-based interview show called The Beer Diaries where I interview notable brewers and showcase their beers."

