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One Handed Games

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    One Handed Games

    Steady Now.. not what you think...

    After a drunken encounter with a lime, a knife and my left thumb, I managed to sever the tendon on my thumb and it has left me somewhat disabled for the next 6-8 weeks...

    After having been playing Vj and Fzero as well, I was a little depressed... however... a smile returned to my face when I realised I could still play mario golf! w00t..

    so...any other suggestions for games I can play with one hand? I'm thinking of getting FFTA for the GBA player, and I'll give pokemon a try (not sure abouth that one tho..).

    I own a cube (with player), xbox and PS2... so... any other suggestions to keep me going until this stookie comes off?


    Interesting, I got this very question while working at a videostore years ago from a girl with a broken arm. The only one I came up with was Cruisn USA. Since the N64 controller can be held in one hand and the z-trigger used for gas.


      Why not use Strageries games with a mouse on PC or try out Amiga games with a joystick and one button attached to table.

      Super Monkey Ball can be played with one hand as you don't need to press the buttons.


        Wasn't there some PS controller that you could hold with one hand? I think it was that ASCII Grip controller. I guess that would help somewhat. But it would be more better with slow games like RPGs and such.

        And there's always Lightgun games, you could always fork out some cash for Time Crisis 3 with a G-Con

        Oh, and there's always a fighting stick, but that would depend on how you hold it.


          Yeap, probs going to play a few PC games as well... getting the most recent Monkey Island from my mate...

          Suppose I could also go get a g-con for the PS2, always found lightguns a bit of a gimick tho..

          Super monkey ball with the wrong thumb.. that could be interesting.



            You need nothing else, my friend!



              ^^ Can be used one handed. NCS are taking pre-orders now.


                Wave Race 64. Perfect for one handed play. And


                  Your left thumb, bit of an arse! So you have to use you fingers on the left side.

                  Hmm, lets see now, Mario and Luigi RPG is cool, mostly all mouse games on the PC. Monkey Ball obv. Multiplayer Micromachines, all of wario ware's 2 player games.


                    I thought it was

                    Anyway, super monkey ball 1/2 are all you need my friend - it's one handed bliss.

                    Try configuring some controls of the games you love to just one side of a pad. You never know, it might work.


                      Originally posted by Ikaruga
                      I thought it was

                      Anyway, super monkey ball 1/2 are all you need my friend - it's one handed bliss.

                      Try configuring some controls of the games you love to just one side of a pad. You never know, it might work.
                      You need to put in p0rn warnings with links you fecker!


                        you could alwasy play any of the final fantasy games really! FFX ive played with one hand!


                          I've decided to split my time between mario golf and FFTA on the 'player.

                          Monkey Ball with the wrong thumb just don't work for me...

                          Argh.. imagine doing that the week Mario Kart comes out... having said that IGN said it wasn't that good so I'm not missing anything there..


                            Originally posted by scottcr
                            Argh.. imagine doing that the week Mario Kart comes out... having said that IGN said it wasn't that good so I'm not missing anything there..
                            It's crap. You're not missing anything. But, just remember to pick it up anyway, after your thumb gets healed. You never know, you might decide it's fantastic fun. *runs off to play it more*


                              DOAX is all you need
                              <Quagmire> Aaaalright! *head moves erratically*

