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Sim City

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    Sim City

    Walkthrough with the lead designer Stone Librande:

    Seems to be shaping up nicely. I do wonder though if they'll keep the more over the top events in or if they're gunning for a more realistic approach.
    Last edited by Kit; 06-10-2012, 13:41.

    looks pretty awesome to see how far sim city has come, shame that it's pc only. No longer do pc gaming.


      That looks so cool.


        Really impressed with it so far watched this yesterday. Seems they have taken out the finicky things which would be a chore and concentrated on making the game fun again. My favorite Sim City still stands as the SNES version.


          i spent so many hours on the SNES version....

          will keep an eye on this one!


            Looking pretty good. I would argue that 2000 was the pinnacle of the series but quite enjoyed 4 as well (3 not so much). That second DS release wasn't awful either. I do wonder with a game like this how much anyone is capable of improving it.


              Yep, it's another case of an exhausted genre. I gave up after 2000, which I'd played after hammering the SNES version to bits.

              They could add tits, I suppose(?).


                I loved the SNES version, still trying to track it down complete. It was the last version I played too so it is not stale to me.


                  Originally posted by dataDave View Post
                  Yep, it's another case of an exhausted genre. I gave up after 2000, which I'd played after hammering the SNES version to bits.

                  They could add tits, I suppose(?).
                  Sim Titty?


                    Needs more Perks


                      Anybody try the beta?


                        I did and it was pretty great. Graphically it looks nice and i love all the detail going on. Its a bit more of a game now, think The Sims where sims have wants and needs that they express. In previous games you'd just get advisor's moaning but nothing really changing but now you can see people are dying due to the lack of ambulances or clogged roads etc.


                          I liked it too, much easier to get started too, much less forgiving if say. Didn't run too well on my new computer though, strange.
                          I'll definitely buy it, even if it does mean stomaching the ?45 price tag.


                            Yeah also tried it, the game seems like SimCity really, just more refined ... The graphics didn't look all that impressive on my laptop, had to turn down the details all to low just to get some sort of framerate, and even then it was struggling .. Don't really know what that was all about as its a fairly powerful machine.

                            Will try it on the gaming rig when it comes out as see if its any better. Simcity has never about the framerate, I can live with that, but when its slideshow territory its a different matter.

                            Personally I would have preferred some scenarios and some sort of goals as this is 2013, it isn't just about building a city and leaving it at that. But then there is unlocks and online stuff.


                              I'm interested in this, but it's EA. Hmmmmm.

                              I do love it when companies put up FAQs. They aren't real FAQs are they? They're just another way to give us marketing bull**** lol. Apparently people frequently askWhat is the ESRB rating for SimCity?

                              Yeah, right.
                              The real FAQs are:

                              Will I have to run that piece of crap Origin to play this?
                              How much stuff have you ripped out the game to sell as DLC later on?

                              Still looks good mind.

