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Worst Game Endings Ever

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    Worst Game Endings Ever

    So i was reading Gologo's post in the borderlands 2 thread and got me thinking, whats the worse endings in gaming history?
    Last edited by Brad; 18-10-2012, 15:28.



      Ok change it please.


        This immediately came to mind because I finished it yesterday: Kokuga. A series of static text screens (in Japanese). Will have to think about others...wait, Robocop for the NES. Pretty lame.


          In recent times - for me - I'd say Rage takes the prize. I wouldn't be surprised if someone found 'remember to insert final boss battle here' in the code for that part. From back in prehistoric times: Solomon's Key on the NES. In which the hero walks across the screen from left to right. That was infinitely more exhilirating than the Rage finale, though.


            I don't think I've ever really played a game with a bad ending, because a game's crap-factor tend to be apparent from the outset, and obviously I stop playing at that point. I did just see my friend finish X-Com, which seemed to have a Halo 2 level of abruptness to its ending.


              One of my favourite games ever and probably one of the best this gen, bioshock the boss ending , its pretty naff and seems like Ken thought right enough work done, take this.


                Lol, yeah, Bioshock. Not to mention the fact that the two possible endings are virtually identical and both about 5 seconds long.


                  Yeah that was bad: "Here, as reward for all the heavy moral wrangling, please enjoy your one-of-two 5 second cutscenes."


                    Killzone 3. Can't refer why but I remember it was crap


                      Originally posted by MisterBubbles View Post
                      Ok change it please.



                        Originally posted by Randicoot View Post
                        Lol, yeah, Bioshock. Not to mention the fact that the two possible endings are virtually identical and both about 5 seconds long.
                        I would argue that the lsat act of Bioshock is the "Ending".

                        After the twist everything else plays out until you reach an epic conclusion in full gameplay mode.


                          Last Ninja 1 on the C64... so much effort, so little reward...
                          Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                            Guys & Gals could you give a brief description as why its naff, and how it ends.


                              Assassins Creed (the first one), I love where the series has gone but it's obvious the Desmond stuff was added very late on. After the credits roll you get to control Desmond who has now gained the eagle vision ability, which you use to find subject 16's messages written all over the room.

                              Why it's cack:

                              I don't mind the ending much, it's the way it was handled thats the problem. Your given this massive revelation that 16 has effectively gone mad and scrolled all over the walls in blood, leaving messages for you to decipher. There is a pretty big deal about a woman named Leila (I think) when you read emails who has never been mentioned again in the 3 games since, the marks on the walls are never really explained either, but at least they continue with it in AC2. Lucy's relationship with Warren is dropped the second AC2 starts as well, despite her making a huge deal of it in the first game. The number one thing though, is you get no closure. You walk Desmond around, discover the markings then.... walk around an empty office some more, it never actually ends, unless you press start and quit, but that doesn't count.

