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A watershed moment a Pokemon Nintendo iOS game

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    A watershed moment a Pokemon Nintendo iOS game

    This has to be the most watershed moment in gaming a Pokemon game has just hit the App Store, imagine how much money Mario would make on iOS. Unthinkable

    What? An official game?


      Yes according to euro gamer it's a official Nintendo app. , its only available in Japan at the moment the App Store tells me.


        No, it's just a Pok?dex.

        As it mentions there was a Pok?mon based minigame released on the App Store in Japan last year too.

        Selling Mario on iOS would be unbelievably shortsighted of Nintendo. For so many reasons - they'd have to vastly reduce the price of games (no way you could sell a game for ?29.99 on the App Store), they'd drive sales of Apple hardware (their biggest competitor by far for handheld gaming), and they'd arguably devalue their own brand just as Sega did with Sonic.

        Sure they'd make a few million fast. But they'd definitely lose out big time over the long term - they're not just a software company, but a hardware one too. And they rely on locking their customers into a system where the best games are (for the most part) the ones that they themselves make.


          So a Pokedex

          In a watershed moment for Nintendo: the Japanese developer has released its first paid-for iOS app. A version of the ex…

          Is this the start of something bigger? I know Nintendo shareholders have been crying out for them to move their IP on to the App Store...

          Bwah, good post by Randicoot beating me to it.


            Still I never thought I see a Nintendo product on the App Store not sure I won't them to go that way but Microsoft have more than a few apps on it as we'll. a sign of the times


              I fear this will open a gate.


                There'll probably be more app tie ins etc. They won't put their proper games on it though. Really, this isn't that big a deal


                  Just clever marketing strategy from Nintendo to possibly get more kids interested in Pokemon and wanting a 3DS to play the real games with.


                    Yep, agree fully with the last 2 posts. Using their main rival's device to promote their own products is a great strategy imo.


                      Yeah, very sneaky!

