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What do you reckon the PS4 and Xbox3 will launch with?

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    What do you reckon the PS4 and Xbox3 will launch with?

    I'm guessing the Xbox won't launch with Halo unless the launch is just before Christmas.
    I'd expect something like Motorstorm or similar exclusive racing game. Maybe Gran Turismo Prologue.

    I wondering if the Xbox will just be marketed as a home entertainment device with games being secondary.

    Well i think its a safe bet you can count on Fifa and Madden NFL for both, perhaps Forza 4 for Xbox? The way Xbox Live has going i can definitely see it being marketed as home entertainment device.


      PS4: The Last Guardian. Watch Dogs. Something by David Cage. Little Big Planet 3.

      Xbox3: Gears of War 4. Call of Duty: Urban Face Shooter. GTAV.


        I want Urban Face Shooter. Is that a time-limited Xbox exclusive? Will is come to PSDeath or PC eventually?


          A large catapult.


            A ten year warranty hopefully


              Ridge Racer VIII Other than that... Battlefield 4, a new racer ip for both... nothing too drastic for both as they'll expect the hardware to sell itself letting them focus on pushing current gen on the casuals. I expect hardly any major series on them at launch.


                If the next Xbox does indeed come with Kinect 2 then you can guarantee a whole load of more dreadful games for it. If were lucky we may even get that Milo game for it (if you can even call it a game)


                  Every year the number of big games I want to play decreases, especially on consoles. I'm an old jaded gamer now. I doubt Sony or MS could impress me enough to get me to buy anything new off them. I've grown to like my PC with the astounding number of indie and small dev games and lovely discounted new releases (?22 for Borderlands 2 on launch day). I've been spoilt I think. Paying ?40+ for a game is a difficult thing to do now (I'd pay ?100+ for a Dark Souls sequel but that's an anomaly).


                    PS4: Valkyria Chronicles 4. One can only hope. Hope Sega will publish the game in the west, that is.
                    Last edited by briareos_kerensky; 20-11-2012, 19:50. Reason: PS4, PS4...


                      Originally posted by FSW View Post
                      Every year the number of big games I want to play decreases, especially on consoles. I'm an old jaded gamer now. I doubt Sony or MS could impress me enough to get me to buy anything new off them. I've grown to like my PC with the astounding number of indie and small dev games and lovely discounted new releases (?22 for Borderlands 2 on launch day). I've been spoilt I think. Paying ?40+ for a game is a difficult thing to do now (I'd pay ?100+ for a Dark Souls sequel but that's an anomaly).
                      LOL. You big liar you. Would an old jaded gamer say this (notice the enthusiasm with the 3 exclamation marks):

                      Originally posted by FSW View Post
                      Holy crap. Was NOT expecting to click that many boxes. So much good stuff!!!

                      Friendly Import video game discussion forum, informative reviews, NTSC (Japan / US) and PAL - BordersDown (previously known as NTSC-uk)


                        PS4- Some kind of Uncharted, Killzone 4 God of War & 720 Gears of War & Forza 5


                          Durango/720: Loads of FPSs and Kinect stuff. Disproportionate focus on media features. Windows 8 RT apps for the Xbox Surface tablet controller.
                          PSDeath: Loads of FPSs and Move stuff. Promises of games that aren't even in production and some bullshot / target renders. Disproportionate focus on media features.

                          Can we nominate official forum names for the forthcoming generation? PSDeath is brilliant. And how about Microsoft Windows Xbox 8 RT Surface Pro. Or MWX8RTSP for short.


                            Will they even be out next year? I'm not sure at all.


                              They had better be out next year or I'll be having words.

