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What is your favourite version of Worms?

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    What is your favourite version of Worms?

    I've been playing a lot Worms Reloaded these days but there are things missing like the Magic Ball or the possibility to have 8 Worms in a team or more than 4 teams on the landscape.

    So is there a definitive version of Worms for you?
    With an online mode also?

    I have to say I like the Magnet and the sentry gun of this version. There are pretty brilliant.

    Is the new Worms Revolution good? I don't like the graphics style from what I've seen so far.

    The original will always be my favourite.


      Original too. The later games just looked likrf armed cartoon cocks. Plus the balance of the first game was bang on.


        I put a LOT of hours into Amiga Worms and have the fondest memories of multiplayer on that, so I will go with the original.
        After that the only other version I played was Worms Armageddon on Dreamcast, remember being SO excited that I could play the PC version Worms, enjoyed that too so that comes a close second for me.
        It was 3rd game I bought on Dreamcast, after launch. I remember the day I bought it vividly.
        Haven't had a look at Worms Revolution, launch day ?11.99 Season Pass kind of made me a bit sad about it all since the game is also ?11.99.
        Worms Crazy Golf is worth a look though, actually good fun when you get into it.


          My favourate used to be Worms World Party on the Dreamcast. Bazookas and Grenades only local multiplayer was superb. The major issue, and the problem with every version I have played is the sudden death time limit. It's so short that almost every game went to sudden death. I can't believe that with all the subsequent worms games they still haven't fixed this.

          These days I play Worms 2 Armageddon on XBLA. It's excellent online but still has problems. They removed manual worm placement and the game time limit is still too short. It's particularly annoying in forts mode where you must make a concerted effort to avoid sudden death by being really agressive. It would be so simple to patch in an infinite time limit for online and local play.

          I was excited about the new worms revolution until I played the trial and watch videos. The physics are too different and it screams of gimmicks with the new worms classes. I'll be sticking to worms 2 armageddon until something better comes along.


            Armageddon for me. Shame you had to swap the controllers on the PlayStation version for two player. Me and my friend didn't mind it though.


              The original is my favourite. I do like the weapons and graphical style of Armageddon, but the customisation just isn't there. Basically, the way I want to enjoy worms is to turn on all the weapons with infinite ammo and turn off the god damn time limit. Armageddon doesn't let me do that, so it's no good.

              As for platform, I'd have to say the psx version since that's what I had when I was younger and I spent MANY hours just playing it on my own, building bunkers underground and seeing how long I could survive, filling a map with player controlled worms and teleporting them all into one giant worm tower and then blowing it to hell with dynamite, and other crazy stuff. I even played it quite a bit with my brother and my dad, but they used to get annoyed because I would spent aaages getting from one side of the map to the other with the ninja rope. Good times


                We like to play it the opposite way with all the uber weapons turned off as they take all the skill out of the game. Just rockets, grenades and shotguns. The odd extra weapon drops from the sky add just the right amount of luck. Even if the PSX version had no time limit I don't think I could stomach the fuzzy low res graphics. Worms Armageddon 2 is beatifully clear and clean looking.

