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PTE29: This Means War

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    PTE29: This Means War

    Just in the nick of time noticed, September of this year was the 10th anniversary of the Battlefield series.

    Which entry from the series has been yiur favourite? What about the series do you like and dislime and what direction should future instalments take?
    Battlefield 1942
    Battlefield Vietnam
    Battlefield 2
    Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
    Battlefield 2142
    Battlefield: Bad Company
    Battlefield Heroes
    Battlefield 1943
    Battlefield: Bad Company 2
    Battlefield Play4Free
    Battlefield 3

    I only hopped onto the series with Bad Company but of the ones I've played it still rests as the best entry though I did love 1943. I found the maps to be better than the ones in BC2 which has just about kept it on top. Battlefield 3 is great fun also but the the often tighter maps can feel strained with the fumbling controls and all to often DICE compromises the game by trying to directly tackle COD. BF works best when its its own beast giving players a wide open area, vehicles and wider attack and defense options.


      For single player, Bad Company. For multiplayer 1943 - it's stripped down to the bare essentials and all the better for it (although I would have liked a couple more maps).


        Have only played BC, BC2 and BF3. Have to say for multiplayer BF3 wins hands down. I really liked the single player campaign of Bad Company as mentioned in the BF3 first play thread, single player on BF3 is mostly absolute ****e.

        The thing I dig about what Dice have done with the multiplayer is if you want a short, tight, shooting game, you can. If you want a game on a massive map and that lasts an hour, you can. There's an abundance of choice. Haven't played Aftermath yet (my PS3 still DEAD ) but looking forward to it and to the last DLC package. The premium version I bought this year has been worth every cent.

        I cannot wait for BF4 on a next gen console.


          BF2 on PC.

          Was astonishing and the most fun ever when you have a 64 player server of mainly people you know. BF3 is good but lacks the magic of 2.


            I've only played BF2 PC and BF3 Xbox. BF3 Multiplayer is fantastic on the Xbox, but I wish it was 720p@60fps on consoles.... What they have achieved with the surround sound and War Tapes option is a standout moment for this generation.


              Original for me! Vietnam and BF2 were also great, but I easily put the most hours into 1942 back in the day. Was that really 10 years ago???


                Bad Company 2 is where I have the most memories, even single player was solid. One of those games that feel like a complete package, solo and multiplayer.
                Also we used to have some great fun on 360 version on via the forum, some genuinely funny helicopter moments.


                  I was introduced to Battlefield 2 back in 2005 at work, at lunchtime every day a mate would shout "servers up!" and that would begin an hour of mayhem. I loved the Helicopter and would have so much fun carrying a few of us on a suicide run to a flag, drop them and I would circle the LZ in till it was captured. BF2 was a beautiful game.

                  However, Battlefield 1943 was the game where me and my brother lost a whole summer to, the first weekend was spent waiting with that loading music stuck in my head, whilst the game refused to find servers! After that, the skies were blue and we played for tens of hours. My favourite role was a sniper, lay down 3 of the best explosive packages on a flag we've captured and then take up a defensive position high above.

                  BF2 & Battlefield 1943 are my favourite, but the hours of great fun with my brother probably bring 1943 to the top.


                    Originally posted by Family Fry View Post
                    Bad Company 2 is where I have the most memories, even single player was solid. One of those games that feel like a complete package, solo and multiplayer.
                    Same for me...I logged 90 odd hours in the MP which is unheard of for me in a shooter! Plus not being amazing at them being a medic was perfect, I could still keep levelling/unlocking playing a support role.

                    Did help I played regularly as a 3 tho, only 1 random camp sniper to be lumbered with made it awesome.
                    Never got into BF3 and the single player was utter tripe.


                      I massively enjoyed 1943, probably the second most I've played BF game after Bad Company. With BC2 it just felt that thr maps weren't as well designed so it didn't click the same.

                      BF3 is the strangest entry in terms of quality levels. Its the point where the series needs to up its frame rate next gen but despite that it can be up there with the series best. Some of the maps are great but the oppoiste end of the spectrum is the small COD style maps which are atrocious as the gameplay just can't support them resulting in massive quality dips that BC didn't have. Overall though I like BF3 but with BF4 being current gen I'm holding my expectations in.

