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PSVita thread 2.

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    Neogaf is becoming crazy because apparently a lot of ps1 and psp games became compatible with the PS Vita but I can't see them at all.
    (US Store here)

    And nobody is talking about that fact anywhere else, except destructoid quoting Neogaf.

    Any luck for you guys?


      There's an S-ton on the JPN store but I've not really looked at the NA one, aside from the free stuff I got from PS+ last year.

      At work the page won't even load so I can't check.


        Originally posted by MadMarc View Post
        Neogaf is becoming crazy because apparently a lot of ps1 and psp games became compatible with the PS Vita but I can't see them at all.
        Looks like they've dsiabled the option again.


          Gives you all Vita compatible PS1 games sorted alphabetically. 144 apparently.


            Anyone know much about this Japanese game?

            Playstation®Vita専用ソフト Infinita Strada(インフィニタ・ストラーダ 華)のゲーム紹介サイトです。

            Came across it here

            Though their PS3 & PS4 tags must be wrong. Sod all about it on Google etc.


              PSVita only by the looks of it, a premium card battling game. 4GB to download.


                That's what I thought, looked half decent, but 0% of it ever coming here.


                  Sorry, meant "freemium".


                    Sorry if it has been mentioned but Content Manager has been updated.

                    It's much friendlier than the previous version but... the PC stupidly still needs an internet connection for it to work.


                      It's annoying that you need content manager installed to transfer over wifi as well.


                        Originally posted by kryss View Post
                        It's annoying that you need content manager installed to transfer over wifi as well.
                        What's this about?


                          You can ftp files from your PC to your Vita via wifi if you have content manager installed. Just like you can copy them across from you PC to PS3 if it's set up as a media server.


                            Originally posted by DavidH View Post
                            That's what I thought, looked half decent, but 0% of it ever coming here.
                            With some of the stuff that's being localised you never know!


                              Content Manager has been my saviour of late. PSO2 is around 8GB, so FTP from VTV to Vita rocks.
                              Kept you waiting, huh?


                                This is going to seem an odd question, but when playing PSP games on the Vita, is it possible to "map" the second stick to the functions of the four face buttons? Like so pressing "up" on the right stick presses the Triangle button?

                                Reason I ask is that I remember a few games on the PSP trying to do dodgy twin-stick controls by using the face buttons as a second stick. One of them was the Ghost in the Shell game, which I really liked, but naturally this control scheme hampered it, pretty much ruining the experience. Ditto for the Syphon Filters (I think, though it's been a few years and I could be wrong).

                                If that Ghost in the Shell game is available and you can do this, it'd be something I'd buy day 1 when I get a Vita. The game may have been a bit lacking, but I really love Stand-Alone Complex.

