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Official Edge Thread - Christmas 2003 Issue

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    Melbourne House produced Krush Kill & Destroy. This is from my memory, didn't do any WWW research waste my time, but EDGE gave that game an 8? I recall because it was that review which made me go out and buy it. Wasn't so keen on the game myself however, felt it was an C&C rip-off. Just don't right them off.


      i thought Melbourne House were based in Australia


        Originally posted by camps
        i thought Melbourne House were based in Australia
        Yeah I think your right, For some reason I thought LM24 was created in the UK, But im questioning myself now.


          Melbourne House = Way of the Exploding Fist 1773age!!1!!!!1!!

          The second best fighting series on home computer after International Karate...

          Also The Hobbit (original adventure from 83), Horace series, and other such Aussie stuff...
          Lie with passion and be forever damned...


            Oh god, what have I created? It's turned into Melbourne House appreciation thread. I did do some research, but the fact that the official site didn't work didn't really inspire me to do much more. Yeah, they're Australian.

            Originally posted by Shimmyhill

            One feels the score is just too low, i mean i hated MK64 but could see that many didnt so i accepted a 8 score. However no one can tell me there is a single track in DD thats any where as bad as some of the 64 game - Rainbow road anyone ?? if thats the case i guess its typical Edge not reviewing the game on its own merrits. Comparing it to the others is fair but scoring based on the other games is still not on imo.
            Part of a well written post, but I thought Rainbow Road was delightfully enchanting. It was so beautiful. And rock ****ing hard. Chain chomp dogs from hell! Best track. Or was it Luigi's raceway. Or the Castle. Or Bowser's pad.

            Moo Moo Farm!!!!!!

            Toad's turnpike took the piss in terms of difficulty. Argghhh!
            The worst in terms of design was Wario's stadium, I'm not looking forward to it's successor in DD.
            Kalimari desert was wonderful. **** time trial, let's race the train!

            But it is nice to meet people with such different opinions to mine, it is refreshing to meet people with a different opinion on a classic.

            And yeah, I'd give Mario Kart 64 a 9ish. Which is high by my scoring.


              Originally posted by SharkAttack
              Yeh I don't think Mario Kart DD is cheating that much from the things I hear. If you take the non cynical approach it makes perfect sense to me for the leader to be given drop items like the banana skin and fake power up box to protect his lead and the backmarkers to receive red shells etc to try and gain some ground back.

              All items should be random. If the player behind the player in front can't get past the player in front then he should be able to improve his driving skills so he can compete with the enemy.

              It is not fair for the player that's behind to get endless amounts of ridiculous weapons so that he can easily **** up his enemys position and take over.

              He should take over with skill and completely random weapons not infinite read shells and lighting.

              What's the point of developing excellent driving skills if a guy who's a **** driver can just fire off loads fo red shells and easily take the lead?

              Nintendo should have made weapon skills and driving skills 50/50 all the way baby.


                i cant believe the rainbow 6 3 score was so low, havent read the review yet but presumably it doesnt do enough to innovate and is too similar to the others in their eyes.

                and they gave MK64 8/10?


                  Originally posted by Shin Gouki
                  What's the point of developing excellent driving skills if a guy who's a **** driver can just fire off loads fo red shells and easily take the lead?

                  Nintendo should have made weapon skills and driving skills 50/50 all the way baby.
                  Except that then it wouldnt be Mario Kart.

                  While we are at it, lets take out the stupid Karts and replace them with cars. Then lets get rid of the items and have some realistic tracks. Then we can have Mario Turismo.

                  Seriously, Mario Kart has always been about this. Where is the fun in playing someone better than you if you just constantly lose. That is why no one plays F-Zero GX multiplayer.

                  I know none of my friends would be interested in playing me because I would just thrash them, but at least in MKD they have a chance, and actually that chance is less than in any previous Mario Kart, SNES version included.

                  Items no longer have anywhere near as much power as they did in previous versions, and driving skill will still win you 90% of the races.


                    Originally posted by Shin Gouki
                    He should take over with skill and completely random weapons not infinite read shells and lighting.
                    The same red shells that can be blocked by other shells, banana's and ? blocks, all things race leaders often get?

                    This is Mario Kart we're talking about on here you know, not Gran Turismo.


                      I pretty much agree with that Edge score for MKDD, though I'd would have given 4/10.

                      Top game though


                        Originally posted by Shin Gouki

                        All items should be random. If the player behind the player in front can't get past the player in front then he should be able to improve his driving skills so he can compete with the enemy.

                        It is not fair for the player that's behind to get endless amounts of ridiculous weapons so that he can easily **** up his enemys position and take over.

                        He should take over with skill and completely random weapons not infinite read shells and lighting.

                        What's the point of developing excellent driving skills if a guy who's a **** driver can just fire off loads fo red shells and easily take the lead?

                        Nintendo should have made weapon skills and driving skills 50/50 all the way baby.
                        But surely that's the point? If you're really far behind, then you still have a chance.....that's why MK is FUN to's not a sim, it's an arcade experience. And surely the fact that you only get the megasupermassive weapons when you're in last place adds extra depth to tactical play..."maybe I should drop back and ruin these suckers with lightning, or sit here in first, waiting to be hit by a shell".
                        Play this in multiplayer and i'm sure you'll find that many of your human peers will also save their red shells for the last straight, just to scupper you at the end.
                        Besides, surely the fact that different characters receive different weapons adds even more depth and possible strategy to a game that we all thought was just for fun?
                        So basically, quit moaning about how it's not 'Mario Super Realistic Real-People AI Racing Game of the Century' (or whatever) and have some fun with it


                          in fact i would go so far as to say that the xbox now hosts the superior platformer of this gen (beating Ico into 2nd place) --- now i bet thats something that people weren't expecting at the start of this generational cycle.
                          That XBox is the most powerful platform and tends to get the best versions of multiformat games?
                          That's a real shocker.


                            Originally posted by rjpageuk
                            Originally posted by Shin Gouki
                            What's the point of developing excellent driving skills if a guy who's a **** driver can just fire off loads fo red shells and easily take the lead?

                            Nintendo should have made weapon skills and driving skills 50/50 all the way baby.
                            Except that then it wouldnt be Mario Kart.

                            While we are at it, lets take out the stupid Karts and replace them with cars. Then lets get rid of the items and have some realistic tracks. Then we can have Mario Turismo.

                            Seriously, Mario Kart has always been about this. Where is the fun in playing someone better than you if you just constantly lose. That is why no one plays F-Zero GX multiplayer.

                            I know none of my friends would be interested in playing me because I would just thrash them, but at least in MKD they have a chance, and actually that chance is less than in any previous Mario Kart, SNES version included.

                            Items no longer have anywhere near as much power as they did in previous versions, and driving skill will still win you 90% of the races.

                            Yes, exactly! My girlfriend and I can play it and the result isn't predetermined, e.g she wins..... (I kid)!


                              On the subject of Mario Kart, IGN marked it down for lacking innovation, bland tracks, lack of skins for karts (haha), lack of internet play and poor multiplayer.

                              They have just reviewed NFS: Underground and given an 8.8, despite pointing out it has bland track design (all the same), no net play, only 2 player races, drops decent features of past NFS games like Police Chase. The car mod section is limited to Engine Upgrade 1, 2 and 3 etc. BUT the game allows you to modify the look of your car by defeating one of 111 straight forward missions. They really rant and rave about how good it is being able to change the look of your car and race it.

                              So Mario Kart basically got a 7.9 rather than an 8.8 because you can't paint or stick spoilers on your Kart.


                                Originally posted by SharkAttack
                                So Mario Kart basically got a 7.9 rather than an 8.8 because you can't paint or stick spoilers on your Kart.

                                I think trying to break down reviews like this is always a bad idea because you end up convincing yourself of something which wasnt meant at all by the reviewers.

                                I think IGN gave DD 7.9 because they are complete crap and wouldnt know how to review a game if they partook in a 400 year course on how to do so.

                                Incidentally, this doesnt mean I disagree with the 7.9 score, but in the context of the other scores IGN have given, and by actually reading the review it is ludicrous in the extreme.

