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Mario and Luigi: Dream Team - 3DS

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    Mario and Luigi: Dream Team - 3DS

    Even more Mario goodness ...

    Some sort of RPG Puzzler by the looks of it

    Have you never played the previous titles in the series?


      Originally posted by Ouenben View Post
      Have you never played the previous titles in the series?
      I have , sorry I guess what I wrote didn't come across right.


        I realise you probably started these threads quickly, but the descriptions gave off the impression you'd never played them before, this and Mario and Donkey Kong are pretty similar to their retrospective predecessors.

        Hopefully this game is better than Paper Mario turned out to be.


          Well thats 2015 taken care of LOL


            2015? Says it's coming this summer on the video.

            I love the Mario & Luigi games, so quirky and funny and the gameplay has been satisfying as well. Nice to see Luigi get some screen time, Luigi's the man!


              It was a joke, Nintendo love to announce new games then delay the **** out of them, add a few years for pal localisation


                Paper Mario was released at the same time worldwide, same with Ocarina of Time 3D, I don't think it's going to take ages for this to come out.


                  Originally posted by Ouenben View Post
                  I realise you probably started these threads quickly, but the descriptions gave off the impression you'd never played them before, this and Mario and Donkey Kong are pretty similar to their retrospective predecessors.
                  I was just commenting on what sort of games they looked like, regardless of whether I had played previous games or not. In the end just because a game has a certain name doesn't mean its going to be that sort of game.

                  As stated just the way I wrote it I guess.



                    Time to bump this thread with the E3 trailer! Loving the look of this!

                    It's coming July 12th to Europe! Can't wait.


                      Yeah that looks magic! The original GBA 'Superstar Saga' one is still my fave. The DS ones didn't quite do it for me, but the chance to play in Luigi's dreams in this one should result in some really imaginative scenarios. Fingers crossed


                        I have faith in Alpha Dream. I've personally enjoyed all of the games. Superstar Saga might be the best one, but Bowser's Inside Story was very good too, if only for the ability to play as the Ol' King of the Koopas himself.


                          Any sign of Fawful?


                            Bowser's Inside Story is clearly the pick of the Mario & Luigi RPG series. Dream Team Bros. looks like it intends to go one further.

                            Likely to be a DOP for me.


                              How bad a case of Stockholm Syndrome must peach have by know. In all these years of being kidnapped has the woman never learnt to run away or carry pepperspray

