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Doom 4 - PC, PS4, 720

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    Doom 4 - PC, PS4, 720

    Doom 4 was not 'exciting' enough, sent back to the drawing board

    Hey, remember Doom 4? It was announced nearly five years ago, so we thought maybe Bethesda and id Software had forgotten about it. But apparently, no. It's been quite troubled--something that Bethesda VP of marketing and PR Pete Hines admitted.

    "An earlier version of Doom 4 did not exhibit the quality and excitement that id and Bethesda intend to deliver and that Doom fans worldwide expect," Hines said. "As a result, id refocused its efforts on a new version of Doom 4 that promises to meet the very high expectations everyone has for this game and this franchise. When we’re ready to talk about the Doom 4 id is making, we will let folks know."

    Although the admission is odd, Bethesda's continued silence on the game continues the trend. At QuakeCon last year, id's John Carmack said: "Doom 4 is being done in 'Bethesda mode' where we're still not talking about it. It's done when it's done and we don't want people reading more into it than they should."

    However, Kotaku says that the project has been doomed and "plagued by mismanagement," according to its sources. They report that some had jokingly described the game as "Call of Doom," as its focus on scripted set pieces and "the obligatory vehicle scene" made it feel more like Activision's popular military FPS, than a proper Doom game. "There was kind of the recognition that in order to be a big shooter these days, you have to have some amount of the big, bombastic movie experience that people get pulled through," one source said.

    Thankfully, "Call of Doom" was scrapped, with Carmack reminding the team that "Doom means two things: demons and shotguns." However, the critical and financial failure of Rage threw another wrench in Doom 4's development. A new mandate was passed down to the studio: "Just do Doom 4." And with that, the team had to undergo a creative and tech reboot--whilst trying to mesh with the Rage team. It led to a "power struggle," according to the report.

    Since then, Kotaku claims that "most of id's top talent has left or been fired," with another source saying that "people were leaving steadily through last year." With the game "never even close to a shipped product," Doom 4 could become the industry's next Duke Nukem Forever.

    Disappointing to read as I can't wait for another Doom, but I think the right call has been made. I in no way shape or form want Doom to turn into a CoD clone - **** that!

    I was annoyed with Bethesda when they trashed Prey 2 after some good previews, Doom needs to be epic though. Anything less and they might as well not bother.

    After identical FPS's boring the jazz out of me, I'm up for a no nonsense shooter that goes back to puzzles and full on violence.

    Really hope iD knock it out the park with this, take your time Carmack!


      Someone raised an interesting point in the comments and that is, if it's not a CoD clone, how do you expect the next Doom game to play?
      Last edited by Kit; 03-04-2013, 22:49.


        I played Doom 3 earlier for the first time. The mechanics suck with needing access cards etc. Definitely an outdated FPS model.

        The entire franchise is badly aged tbh.


          Too much of Doom's power rests on it's might from it's heyday, it's an incredibly basic FPS and id have never really seemed to know what to do with it. In the end I imagine they'll push for a graphical showcase to carry the experience as is usually the case with Doom/Quake these days. I enjoyed Rage but I can't say I'm super fussed what they do, it's been an incredibly long time since they've made games that are particularly noteworthy from a gameplay standpoint.


            Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
            I played Doom 3 earlier for the first time. The mechanics suck with needing access cards etc. Definitely an outdated FPS model.

            The entire franchise is badly aged tbh.
            I really don't think it has. The core concept hasn't even been exploited in recent FPS titles. Having to go from A to B to C to D on limited ammo and having to allocate it on enemies wisely.

            It really has to be played on Nightmare to get the right feel from it. Anything else is just a boring yawn-fest with no feeling of accomplishment as you are tooled up to the max.


              I really disagree with the idea it has to be played on Nightmare to prevent it from feeling boring.

              Nightmare just throws everything at you and respawns monsters at every opportunity. It's not fun, it's sadatistic and cheap. Ultra violence is the best of both worlds.


                Returning to the classic play style with similar elements to Killing Floor and L4D with the original satanic style would be good enough for me.

                Oh, and they'd need epic gibs and death animations like the Brutal Doom mod!!!!

                Check it out!!!!


                  Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
                  I played Doom 3 earlier for the first time. The mechanics suck with needing access cards etc. Definitely an outdated FPS model.
                  The entire franchise is badly aged tbh.
                  What they should do is to skip the "puzzles" and go for mindless enemy slaughter, like Brutal Doom that Kit posted. I'm not really up to date with FPS, but I think that Serious Sam and Painkiller did this when they came out, correct? Going for a sorta-sandbox ? l? Rage or try to copy CoD with setpiece after setpiece won't do iD any good.


                    Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
                    I played Doom 3 earlier for the first time. The mechanics suck with needing access cards etc. Definitely an outdated FPS model.

                    The entire franchise is badly aged tbh.
                    I wouldn't blame the Doom model, rather how Doom 3 handled it. It went for atmosphere and tried to add horror elements when it should have been balls to the wall, double barrelled shotgun action. For me at least, it doesn't deserve the Doom name. A proper sequel would be a breath of fresh air.


                      Didn't see this in the original Shack story:

                      The team behind 2011’s Rage was allegedly working on Rage 2 but that project has since been canceled and the team has now joined Doom 4 development.
                      Well, quite worrying for id as they are kinda throwing all their eggs in one basket.

                      I knew the Rage team were joining the Doom 4 team towards the end of development, but to flat out cancel quite a well received game. That is concerning.

                      Also found some screenshots of the scrapped version:

                      More over at Kotaku:

                      These images, supposedly from Doom 4, have popped up. It seems they were inadvertently spilled by the portfolio of artist Thao Le, a senior environmental artist at id Software (and since taken down).

                      Doesn't exactly scream doom!


                        doom 3 i thought the earlier footage looked better then the finished game i know they toned down the physics a fair bit which made the combat less satisfying

                        What really bugged me was the "traps" ...armour in the middle of a room as soon as collected enemies would appear ..or perhaps saw a item in a room as soon as collected a hidden door would open behind with a enemy inside and they would get some cheap hits in


                          Originally posted by eastyy View Post
                          doom 3 i thought the earlier footage looked better then the finished game i know they toned down the physics a fair bit which made the combat less satisfying

                          What really bugged me was the "traps" ...armour in the middle of a room as soon as collected enemies would appear ..or perhaps saw a item in a room as soon as collected a hidden door would open behind with a enemy inside and they would get some cheap hits in
                          Yes, the 'monster closets' conflicted somewhat with the amazing atmosphere id managed to create. The weapons had lousy feedback, and the run speed and reload times were slow. What happened to 60mph run speeds!?

                          They were very limited too with the number of enemies on screen.

                          It was a success in terms of creating tension but relayed to heavily on copying Half Life instead of just being the solid, fun, run n' gun game fans were after.

                          Saw this last night which I thought was worryingly accurate for a parody:


                            Originally posted by Kit View Post
                            Doesn't exactly scream doom!
                            Agreed. It could be good - if it was paced at 100 miles an hour while zooming through the legions of hell. But it won't be - they'll attempt a story and have characters and it will likely sucks my balls.


                              Originally posted by H-Man View Post
                              Agreed. It could be good - if it was paced at 100 miles an hour while zooming through the legions of hell. But it won't be - they'll attempt a story and have characters and it will likely sucks my balls.
                              If they insist on going that route they should try and do environmental story telling like Left 4 Dead and the early Resident Evils. The cut scenes in Doom 3 were naff.

                              Best parts for me action-wise were the parts set in hell.

