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Edge Issue 253 May 2013 Review Scores

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    Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
    Finding it a chore currently. Just feels like Gears of War or something.

    This is incorrect!


      I'll keep plugging.


        Vanquish is a brilliant game. But obviously if you don't like cover shooters then you won't like it.


          Hmm, fairly true. Same issue I have with FPS, would prefer to play on mouse and kb.

          I'll complete it though, because it's Platinum Games.


            It's one of those games best played on hard where you're forced to use all your tools at your desposal. That way you soon, out of necessity, start pulling off some crazy **** and, man, it's satisfying.


              Originally posted by Decider-VT View Post
              Was going to post Lost Planet 2 too. Nice to see that I'm not alone in loving it after the wrongful kicking it got when it was released.
              Why are we not friends?

              I feel like I should play Nier as well, but I got swept up in J0e's RR7 hype and felt a little underwhelmed, tbh. I don't want to be stung again!


                Any person that like LP2 is a friend of mine. I feel the urge to farm 5-3 for some credits when I've finished studying.


                  Nier is class. RR7 is fun for a quick bash.


                    Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                    Why are we not friends?

                    I feel like I should play Nier as well, but I got swept up in J0e's RR7 hype and felt a little underwhelmed, tbh. I don't want to be stung again!
                    On fast speed RR7 is great fun.


                      Originally posted by Charlie View Post
                      It's one of those games best played on hard where you're forced to use all your tools at your desposal. That way you soon, out of necessity, start pulling off some crazy **** and, man, it's satisfying.
                      +1. Vanquish on Hard is the only way!

                      Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                      I'll complete it though, because it's Platinum Games.
                      Big thumb up sir! although if you do not like cover shooters I understand it's an uphill struggle. Hard really does force you to play the game differently though. I thought the demo was wack but I gave the full game a chance and went for hard off the bat. As Charlie said it forces you to use everything you got!! Also, cover becomes a life saver and tactic, not just a novelty.

                      I await your further impressions and they better be good!!

                      joking of course


                        Enjoyed reading the thread. Regards to scores and what I play, I use a multitude of sources and also see if the game has things that appeal to me too. Also can't play everything so I am quite picky sometimes with what I will buy. Used to look at Metacritic, but it has come in for a lot of stick of late so may not bother again. A lot is taste I guess. As I own Vanquish and Bayonetta not Binary Domain that would be a close call score wise. For me Bayonetta is better but that is just my experience with it and really liked its style. For me the last part of Vanquish made me quite angry as it was good fun up until then for me personally. Will give hard a try though for Vanquish as suggested

                        As for Gears of War: Judge I thought that it had a lot of good stuff removed compared to Gears 3, so surprised at the Edge score. From what I have seen Hoard mode and multi player stuff has been taken out, although story mode is supposed to be fun.
                        Last edited by JU!; 11-04-2013, 21:50.


                          The story mode isn't fun. I'm a massive Gears fan, they ruined it.


                            Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                            Hmm, fairly true. Same issue I have with FPS, would prefer to play on mouse and kb.

                            I'll complete it though, because it's Platinum Games.
                            I'd class it more as a third-person bullet hell rather than a cover shooter.

                            Last edited by dataDave; 12-04-2013, 02:02.

