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#DriveClub PS4 (Evolution Studios)

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    The more I hear about it the more I'm convinced Rushy was thrown under the bus on this one. It sounds awful. Just been listening to Giant bomb and I doubt I'll even bother downloading the free PS+ edition. I'd love there to be a postmortem on this one to see what the hell happened.


      I don't understand why you would buy a console for a new IP without trying it first. At least one that had been delayed by a year.


        Just imagine how bad this would have been if it had come out on ps4 launch as it should have, its not bad, just very average and the graphics look like a ps3 Game, they really do


          I think they should of just brought it out in January, how much worse could it have been? Saying that they could fix the biggest problem the game has and remove the penalty's via a patch, it is an arcade/sim light racer after all and not a pure sim, Maybe they could even put in an arcade mode that removes penalties and lets your skid the car about a bit more, that way they don't have to change the main game and can save face.


            Even worse now, they've told everyone the PS+ Version is now delayed, so that the people who have bought it at full price don't have problems with the servers.


              Amazing, well back to FH2 for me then.
              I switched my ps4 into standby this morning so I could download this as well, is there any ETA on the PS+ version?



                  Screw it. I'll stick with Forza Horizon 2 then.


                    I dream of a gaming utopia where a developer releases a game with online functionality and isn't surprised by server load. One day...


                      No one wants to join my Bordersdown-club, I feel so alone... oh and the servers are down.


                        sony need to sort the online side of things out or are going to loose that sales lead pretty fast. Have they forgotten that where paying for there online services now, they cant have it fall over every time theirs an influx of downloads.

                        The cynic in me smells damage control here, who in there right mind would pay for a game that you can rinse the first areas for free and see if its the game for you, Maybe they lost a ton of digital preorders when reviews hit and are trying to claw some back.
                        Last edited by Lebowski; 08-10-2014, 10:32.


                          This whole online situation reeks of Nintendo.


                            So they will let us know, suppose we just wait then.


                              on Eurogamer ,Digital Foundry are saying it delivers a state of the art graphics engine that delivered on its promise by evolution studios, they must be playing a differnt game from me, i just dont see it , i really dont.


                                Before the race when you see the full landscape, the colours remind me of the PS2 version of Thunderhawk.

