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World of Warcraft Subscribers Down; Activision concerned

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    World of Warcraft Subscribers Down; Activision concerned

    World of Warcraft subscribers down 13%; Activision concerned

    A slight bump in subscription numbers for World of Warcraft after the launch of the Mists of Pandaria expansion has disappeared. Subscription numbers for the MMO now stand at 8.3 million, down from 9.6 million at the end of Q4 last last year, Activision announced in its latest earning report for Q1 2013.

    Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick said during the earning conference call that the company is "concerned" by the drop. "While we have had a solid start to the year, we now believe that the risks and uncertainties in the back half of 2013 are more challenging than our earlier view, especially in the holiday quarter," he told investors in a prepared statement. "The shift in release dates of competing products, the disappointing launch of the Wii U, uncertainties regarding next-generation hardware, and subscriber declines in our World of Warcraft business all raise concerns, as do continued challenges in the global economy."

    Regarding World of Warcraft, Kotick believes they can slow down subscriber churn by "releasing new content more frequently," although he admits that numbers will still be down by the end of the year, citing additional competition from free-to-play games. Additionally, "we want to make it easier for lapsed players to get back into the game."

    Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime agreed, saying the part of the drop has been an increase in competition in China from more free-to-play games, and a decrease in the number of casual players. He also said that when casual players return, the company needs to make it easier for them to do so.

    "It is important to use the transition from when players leave and then come back to make the experience less overwhelming," he said. Blizzard plans to continue looking at player behavior and preferences when creating and releasing content updates, one of which is coming later this month. "People consume content quickly. We need to create more innovative content to keep people engaged."
    A slight bump in subscription numbers for World of Warcraft after the launch of the Mists of Pandaria expansion has disappeared, with number now at 8.3 million, down from 9.6 million at the end of Q4 last last year, Activision announced in its latest earning report for Q1 2013.

    I don't understand the concern. This was going to happen eventually. How old is the game now?

    They'll never release Titan while WoW this is still pulling in these numbers. Hurry up and die please WoW, KEK!


      Originally posted by Adam View Post

      I'm not surprised in all honesty. It's been going for a very long time now, to even have 8.3mil is pretty bloody fantastic.


        Activision milk the hell out of every franchise they make & didn't think that ppl would finally get bored?


          They said they were concerned, not surprised. There is a big difference.

          ?9 a month x 9.6 million is crazy money, losing over a million of those users represents ?9 million+ a month.
          That's pretty crazy money to rake in from a single game, a game that is now 8/9 years old.


            These big firms are ruled by greed, they assume it can last forever.


              Maybe if they stopped making it more accessible for 'everybody' then less people will leave.

              More people played it when it was challenging. Non-gamers aren't interested, why appeal to them?

              This Kotick guy is absolutely clueless. Fix the problem by throwing more of what broke the game in the first place. Great. Frequent, crappy, updates which are easier than ever. Returning players "overwhelmed"? By what? I feel massively underwhelmed whenever I check out what they're up to these days. People want to sink their teeth into meaty content - it's the exact opposite to what they're reckoning. People are leaving because it's a Fisher Price MMO now.

              They even managed to fist PvP by gradually lowering the skill-cap each expansion since Wrath.
              Last edited by dataDave; 11-05-2013, 18:18.

