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Who's the best gamer on here?

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    Who's the best gamer on here?

    As the person with the best average time across the 4 hardest difficulty levels, Hardest to Hardestestest, of Super Hexagon (the only difficulty levels worthy of my mad skills, just as I only play SF4 on hardest), I declare myself the best gamer on here.

    Run in fear before my gaming prowess!

    Ok then, you win....


      After nearly 30 years of gaming I now declare myself **** at games. Gone are the days where I could finish Strider on the megadrive on hard without using a continue.


        Originally posted by Kieran76 View Post
        After nearly 30 years of gaming I now declare myself **** at games. Gone are the days where I could finish Strider on the megadrive on hard without using a continue.
        Me too; i used to 1cc aload of the early gradius games, now i have hoards of 13 year olds with names like 'maxor killer 666' slaughtering me on COD. The joys of getting older :-)


          I think a lot of it is due to cash. When I was a kid getting a new game was a rare event. I only ever played on hard and never used a continue as I had to make it last. These days I have too many games and the temptation to stop playing when things get tough is sometimes too much as I do not have as much time as I would like to play.


            Originally posted by Kieran76 View Post
            I think a lot of it is due to cash. When I was a kid getting a new game was a rare event. I only ever played on hard and never used a continue as I had to make it last. These days I have too many games and the temptation to stop playing when things get tough is sometimes too much as I do not have as much time as I would like to play.
            I have the same problem but reckon I'm still even worse at games than I used to be. I don't know if it is just an age thing or lack of practice.


              Originally posted by dvdx2 View Post
              now i have hoards of 13 year olds with names like 'maxor killer 666' slaughtering me on COD. The joys of getting older :-)
              It's a feather in your cap that doesn't bother you. I used to destroy people online a few years back (we're talking holocaust level extermination of every noob that was careless enough to run in my direction) and to get that good isn't healthy. In fact, I'd class it as an addiction.


                Originally posted by Kieran76 View Post
                When I was a kid getting a new game was a rare event.
                This still applies to me. I only usually get stuff that will last.

                Games aren't built to last anymore, that's part of the problem.


                  I buy games, and don't even play them. Well I used to. I've only played five or so games this year, and finished them all. I've definitely lost my skills though. I highly doubt I could 1-life Final Fight nowadays, and TBH I don't even care.
                  Last edited by J0e Musashi; 05-06-2013, 06:32.
                  Kept you waiting, huh?


                    Every now and then I try to get really good at something but usually fail. Only arcade style game I came close to getting any good at at all recently is dead storm pirates.


                      I wouldn't be the best at any particular game but I would possibly be the most well-rounded, loveable gamer and, really, isn't that what counts?


                        Party boy is the new Games Animal.



                          However, my Trials HD times are mostly pitiful in comparison to some in here.

                          I did manage to finish the main levels of Loopop Lup Cube * Salad which no mean feat, but still haven't completed Guru Logic Champ - a few levels have me stumped.
                          Last edited by charlesr; 05-06-2013, 08:10.


                            Ha cool Charles!

                            As for me, I am pretty good overall but not as good as I used to be. Practice is an issue and having too many titles is another. I find most games today are impossible not to complete and don't promote skilled play.


                              I remember watching Gamesmaster and the such and seeing players in there who dedicated thousands of hours to games like Virtua Fighter and were praised as the some of the greatest gamers ever and just feeling like... well, they're not. Many people could develop a high skill level if they put that much time to a single title or two but what's the point if that means they're crap as soon as you swap genre. I could potentially be the worlds greatest free runner if I put the time in, wouldn't entitle me to being called the worlds greatest runner though.

                              Being skilled enough to perform adequately across nearly all genres making you a versatile and knowledgeable gamer is more important. It's about being tactile, hard modes count for little.

                              Oh, and apparently owning every console ever made

