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E3 Fantasy releases

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    E3 Fantasy releases

    OK, so just for a-bit of fun, what are everyone's 'it's never gonna happen expect but for in my dreams' surprise announcements of E3?

    I'll kick mine off...

    HD Re-release of Shenmue 1 and 2 plus Shenmue 3 for next gen release.

    Skies of Arcadia 2

    Dreamcast 2!

    D2 re released in HD

    HeadHunter re-released in HD and HeadHunter 2

    Fur Fighters HD and Fur Fighters 2

    Perfect Dark 2

    Time Splitters 3
    Last edited by darkangel; 10-06-2013, 02:39.

    Originally posted by darkangel View Post
    Time Splitters 3


      Make that Time Splitters 4 then! Forgot about that one! >_<


        Fear Effect: Inferno...


          Space Station Silicon Valley sequel!


            Etrian Odyssey V for 3DS and WiiU.
            Games for the WiiU.
            New MechWarrior game focusing on single player, maybe with a dynamic campaign based on BattleTech rules for repairs, salvages and such. PC only and highly simulative, no console shortcuts allowed.


              Bishi Bashi Special 4
              Last edited by Adam; 10-06-2013, 07:11.


                Some of My fantasy releases have already been announced!
                However, would love to see:

                Return Fire 2
                Full Spectrum Warrior 3
                Steel Battalion 4


                  Earthbound & Earthbound 2 - 3DS remake
                  Last edited by Jamie; 10-06-2013, 07:41.


                    Originally posted by FSW View Post
                    Some of My fantasy releases have already been announced!
                    However, would love to see:

                    Return Fire 2
                    Full Spectrum Warrior 3
                    Steel Battalion 4
                    Return Fire 2 was released for PC in 1998. However there is a modern version on the way in 2014.

                    Return Fire. 419 likes. Return Fire is a next generation game for IOS,Xbox, PC and more.

                    Excuse me for linking to DatamineBook but the developers website isn't complete.

                    My Fantasy E3 releases would include

                    A new Cave game preferably a vertical shmup,
                    A Raizing compilation,
                    Ice breakers 2 ported to XBLA,
                    Cosmic Smash HD.


                      A new cartridge based 2D ONLY powerhouse console from NEC or SNK. No internet connection. No multimedia crap. A 100% gaming machine only. Yeah, that's right, I've went straight to the ridiculous end of the fantasy scale.


                        A new Onimusha, and announcement of western release for Yakuza 5.


                          A new Stuntman and a new co-op Lost Planet game, please!


                            Originally posted by ikobo View Post
                            A new cartridge based 2D ONLY powerhouse console from NEC or SNK. No internet connection. No multimedia crap. A 100% gaming machine only. Yeah, that's right, I've went straight to the ridiculous end of the fantasy scale.

                            Your wish is my command!


                              You've chosen to ignore the following -

                              Cartridge based
                              Manufactured by SNK or NEC

