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[PS3] Tekken Revolution - F2P

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    [PS3] Tekken Revolution - F2P

    Release date of the 11th June on PSN only
    Free to play
    8 Characters
    Level up based
    Online Play

    No mention of extras for ??? yet but you can almost bet costumes, levels, extra characters etc. are going to cost real cash.
    Last edited by Brad; 10-06-2013, 12:56.

    So Power is Everything, i wonder if cash is too, cause if its pay to win then it will be so unbalanced.


      Revolution refers to the new way to take money off console users.

      Free to play - for 1 hour a day without IAP

      8 Characters - after you purchase them.

      Level up based - speed things up with IAP


        Is it actually limited to 1 hour a day or is that a guess / assumption?


          Originally posted by ItsThere View Post
          Is it actually limited to 1 hour a day or is that a guess / assumption?
          I believe he said that for the fun factor. 1 hour per day is nothing for Tekken fans!

          1 day left ... let's wait and see


            Why do they insist of that stupid red explosion when you hit with a move? It completely takes away the point when you cannot see the fist making contact with the jaw.


              I gather you've never hit anybody in the face before?
              Kept you waiting, huh?


                interesting news: apparently Microsoft dismissed the idea of free to play on Xbox. well, after all this DRM crap news this makes perfect sense to me.


                  Microsoft have published their own F2P game (Happy Wars) on the system already. I doubt they're putting a flat-out block against all F2P games on their systems.


                    This is up now on US PSN, 1928MB.


                      Sounds really good. As I don't yet own Tekken Tag 2 but do like a bit of Tekken thought it was a no brainer. Sounds good stuff. Points are cheap too if you need to buy them 79p and ?3.99.


                        If you don't wanna read the link above heres my views... pretty much a run down of the link. Not really much I can say personally, its pretty much completely F2P and the changes are a welcome addition but takes some getting used to.

                        You start of with 8 characters and you unlock more as you go along. So far it doesn't seem like you have to pay at all.

                        You get a ticket every hour for Arcade mode and can hold up to 2 and a ticket every half hour for Online matches and can hold 5. You can also hold 99 premium tickets which you get 1 for winning 5 online matches and 1 for logging in each day. Premium tickets can be used for Arcade or Online matches and is won back if you win a match using one online. I believe that's all correct.

                        As you level up you gain skill points for every character which can then be used to increase your characters stats which also uses gold you earn from matches. I haven't seen much point for leveling up, it only makes matches harder to find as it seems to try and find someone who's quite similar to you in build.

                        As for gameplay its not much different but with bounds being removed and these new properties given to some old moves which make you invincible while executing thing and gives you a motion blur effect like effect? it takes some getting used to and you'll likely have to find new juggles. Graphics have also been change and has a more celshaded look which instantly made me think maybe this is the direction being taken by TxSF (I see the link above said the same thing).

                        Anyway overall it is F2P and gives you more then enough to not bother with buying anything. Games good, limited in offline play but still decent. Not much to lose so you may as well give it a go.

                        EDIT: Thought this was the first play thread.


                          Yeah I'd agree with those points Shaffy. For an FTP game on a home console, its one of the best that I've played so far. There are elements of Tekken Revolution that make it feel like an arcade game with the limited credits and the character unlocks.

                          Don't known what to make of the invincibles moves and stat. boosting. Not too overpowered unless you play a scrub who will abuse them ad nauseum in fights. Throws are also too high priority with many pulling me out of moves mid-execution. Since when did everyone get Zangief-level priority?

                          Those things aside, its a worthwhile download for those who wanted to try a modern Tekken title.


                            So can you just play this 2P offline with no restrictions aside from a limited roster of characters and stagse?

                            EDIT: OK so I found out there's no 2 player mode :@ I would have probably ended up buying additional characters and stages had there been.
                            Last edited by wakka; 17-06-2013, 17:01.

