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Star Wars Battlefront (EA/DICE)

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    Star Wars Battlefront (EA/DICE)

    Well i have to say i cannot wait to see what they come up with for this. For once nice to be surprised, was hoping they would announce it and im very happy they did.


    I know it's only a teaser but WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!




        I wonder if they will start from scratch or build on some of the code that was shown on Youtube?


          Im excited.


            Yeah me too If that footage was what was capable on current gen I cannot even begin to imagine what could be done on next gen. I mean Star Wars Battlefront, combined with BF4 visuals and made by the same people. Jesus what a combination, seriously this is one Star Wars game that cannot possibly be f***ed up.


              Also very excited about this!


                Originally posted by gambit6613 View Post
                I wonder if they will start from scratch or build on some of the code that was shown on Youtube?
                Scratch. This is going to be using frostbite, DICE's battlefield engine, so using the existing work would be more trouble than it's worth I imagine.


                  Yeah thats true, forgot it will be using the frostbite engine. This is another tick in the right box.



                    Some more info on Battlefront 3. If this game plays anywhere near as it does in my head after reading that then this is going to be epic


                      Star Wars Battlefront launches Christmas 2015, EA has announced. EA boss Andrew Wilson made the announcement during a c…

                      EA has confirmed this will release Christmas 2015, close to the next film


                        Fine by me, lots of other games before then. Just don't do a BF4 on us again DICE!!


                          Originally posted by kryss View Post
                          Fine by me, lots of other games before then. Just don't do a BF4 on us again DICE!!
                          As this is someone else's franchise this time, and a pretty big one, let's hope they're under orders not to defecate all over it as they did their own.


                            I think the might of Disney would be enough to scare them into going above and beyond.


                              Star Wars: Battlefront's release date has been leaked as 17th November, 2015. The release date was discovered on the so…

                              The game is set for release on November 17th according to a leak and the first in-game screenshot has been released:

