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Should Microsoft give up on the Japanese market?

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    Originally posted by Molloy
    The Xbox marketing in Japan is all wrong. I'd expect they'll get things right next time. The bottom line is Japanese developers are going to continue to be interested in the format because the world market is alot bigger than the Japanese market.
    Even if they got the marketing 'right' next time around though, I think the damage has already been done in Japan. Looking at the hardware sales figures every week, the Japanese census seems massively against xbox.

    A new smaller design, marketing strategy, price or xbox 2 wont be able to heal the fatal wounds.


      I actually find the Japanese market completely hilarious. I mean, all you have to do is look at Famitsu's top games of all time which were posted on the gaming-age forum recently. Not only were they all Japanese, but most of them were sequels. Quite how Ridge Racer Revolution got 38 out of 40 is beyond me, especially seeing as it was the only Ridge Racer game listed.

      Anyway, back to the discussion at hand. I think it's fair to say that Xbox will never be successful in Japan, though I think it will do a little better next year thanks to titles such as DOA Online and True Fantasy. Apparently, the PC version of Halo has been selling surprisingly well there since its release recently. Presumably there were a lot of gamers who wanted to play it, but didn't want to buy an Xbox - gamers who may now buy the console for the sequel.


        Originally posted by Keith@gamesTM
        I actually find the Japanese market completely hilarious. I mean, all you have to do is look at Famitsu's top games of all time which were posted on the gaming-age forum recently. Not only were they all Japanese, but most of them were sequels. Quite how Ridge Racer Revolution got 38 out of 40 is beyond me, especially seeing as it was the only Ridge Racer game listed.
        So what if they're sequels? Most of the games in Games TM's top 20 on each format are sequels as well, not everyone's as jaded as Edge magazine. If a game's fun, who cares if it's a sequel? Ridge Racer V is probably my 2nd favourite arcade racer this generation (after Burnout 2), it's only the completely unoptimised PAL version that was a bit naff.

        I wouldn't pay much attention to Famitsu anyway. Apparently they're known for accepting pay-off's for high scores.


          In answer to the main question, I don't know. Would companies like Tecmo for example still make games for the XBox if it wasn't available? A few years ago, no way, but now? Possibly yes. Japan is looking much more to the West nowadays for revenue following econoomic problems in the East. I guess it's difficult to really know the answer to that one.

          What's clear is that you can sell respectable numbers of consoles in the West without Japanese software support. There have been Japanese titles for the XBox, but none have sold very well. The games pushing sales of the XBox are all Western (and good Western games to boot).

          Although XBox hasn't achieved its initial targets, that's probably more to do with MS making mistakes early on, timing and a certain other Western title that begins with G on another platform.


            If they were going to pull out, you'd have thought they'd have done so by now.

            But they realise that they can't dominate without Japan. If Japan remains unconquered, it means PlayStation is still alive and if PlayStation is still alive, it means it's still a threat to them in the west.

            Microsoft will leave the Eastern market next spring. But not by choice.


              The company that rules Japan will dominate the console market. That's the way it goes that's the way it has been.

              I really don't think the fact that MS is gaijin is there problem so much as the popular games are on PS2. They need to buy teh n!nty


                I think Microsoft should have bought Sega and release Sega new console which is XBOX 360 with new name and own live interface and slightly different hardware design. So the Japanese think it is new dreamcast


                  Originally posted by Che Musashi
                  The company that rules Japan will dominate the console market. That's the way it goes that's the way it has been.
                  Atari VCS?

                  Originally posted by Legendary
                  I think Microsoft should have bought Sega and release Sega new console which is XBOX 360 with new name and own live interface and slightly different hardware design. So the Japanese think it is new dreamcast
                  They looked at it, but were wise enough to realise that if they bought it a lot of the talent would **** off and Sega would become a shadow of their former self. Sadly Sammy didn't realise that.


                    Just in case anyone didn't notice it (I didn't initially) Che's post is from 2003...


