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20 Important Games

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    20 Important Games

    I am creating a display on the History of Computing for my classroom and horizontally along a wall I plan on having 20 screen shots of important games. These need to show graphical advancements obviously but also need to be important in some way. I have fairly quickly decided on the following 20 but I could easily have missed something. I know Ocarina of Time isn't there but Half-Life is from the same year so a bit torn on that.

    The games, in order of release:

    Donkey Kong
    Super Mario Bros
    The Legend of Zelda
    Super Mario World
    Street Fighter II
    Super Mario 64
    Final Fantasy VII
    The Sims
    World of Warcraft
    Wii Sports
    Uncharted 2

    This could easily have been 40 games... How would you change it?

    It all seems in fairly good order except for Uncharted 2 at the end.
    Maybe add Minecraft in there some where?


      No need to change a thing. That's a great representation I reckon.


        Originally posted by Fader209 View Post
        It all seems in fairly good order except for Uncharted 2 at the end.
        Maybe add Minecraft in there some where?
        Minecraft is a good call, but already have that in the actual history of computing! Also the social aspect of games is covered with LBP. Not too sure about Uncharted 2 myself. Maybe by next week Last of Us can replace it! Can't think of anything more appropriate than that for the last 2-3 years though...


          The only other choice to replace UC2 would be... I can barely bring myself to say it... Call of Duty? Or GTA maybe. Both have a big presence in gaming, as does the likes of Fifa. Personally I'd stick with UC2 though.


            There's no survival horror in that list



              It's for a classroom though, so a bloodied zombie dog and Jill's tits might not be the most appropriate fare.

              Good list.


                Ha, yeah. I did have to think of that. DOOM has to cover scary games! Glad no one has called me on the 3 Mario games. Almost put Sonic instead of Mario World but there's no contest, really.

                COD4 would be a good replacement for U2 but in the interest of quality I will stick to U2. It remains the pinnacle of the current gen for most, I guess (that, Mario Galaxy or GTA 4 for me but again, not classroom friendly enough)


                  Chu Chu Rocket.

                  Might not have been the best, but probably the first console game with online.


                    Lol... Well I remember doom causing controversy for its violence and gore back in the day, but I guess the sane standard have changed these days and will serve as a good discussion point in a class. Though you could argue that half life was a progression from doom and as such may not necessarily need to be on the list... How about n64 golden eye instead

                    May I also suggest Mari kart on the snes and last ninja on the c64?



                      Uncharted is not remotely important. Neither is Fifa or CoD. I would bump it and add either Ocarina of Time or something like Robotron with its amazing twin stick control system.


                        Star Fox 64? It was the first game with rumble. Honestly, I'm dealing with novices here. Virtua Racing MD too.
                        Kept you waiting, huh?


                          Surely Virtua Racing arcade.


                            Either really.
                            Kept you waiting, huh?


                              LBP too? Really?
                              Kept you waiting, huh?

