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Dead Rising 3

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    Dead Rising 3

    One of the better looking games at Microsoft's show, despite the muted colour scheme, and potentially a very strong launch title in my opinion...

    ...however it seems all is not well.

    Capcom Vancouver presented Dead Rising 3 behind closed doors, walking us through the demonstration that debuted during the Microsoft press conference while answering questions about the direction that they've taken. The changes that you can see in images were not a fluke. Capcom is pointedly trying to appeal to a wider audience in this latest iteration, saying it's going after the Call of Duty player. Gone is the cartoonish visual design, replaced by a more "realistic" interpretation of a viral apocalypse. That change is part of the maturation. By shifting the art style, the combat can be "more visceral" than in previous versions, with "real gore."

    Another notable shift is to the pacing. The urgency that defined Dead Rising has been turned off in the demo we were shown. Time created "extreme pressure" in the original games, and Capcom wants the zombies to be your biggest threat this time around. In Dead Rising 2, you now run around broken-down neighborhoods, killing zombies in horrific ways without real motivation to push forward. Because of the shift in artistic tone and the nonstop combat, this Xbox One launch game now looks like any other open-world game. The team is confident that the ability to create unique weapons will separate Dead Rising 3 from the crowd, but that spark of originality was absent in the demo we were shown.

    There are some additions to the expected zombie slaying. The Kinect is used to communicate to zombies (a loud noise is enough to get their attention), and there are motion controls as well. You know how games often force you to wiggle the stick when enemies grab you? Well, in Dead Rising 3, you can shake your arms to get them off. SmartGlass is also implemented. By using your phone or tablet, you can call in an airstrike or locate items on the map. It will be handy to find a sledgehammer whenever you need one, but it clashes with how Dead Rising used to familiarize you with environments. Before, you would play and replay until you learned the layout. Now? Everything is handed to you.
    What is it about chasing Call of Duty?

    Great! The one game that could have convinced me to buy the Xbox One sounds like it's Dead Rising in name only


      That looks great; more like a gta with zombies now


        Originally posted by Taka View Post
        Great! The one game that could have convinced me to buy the Xbox One sounds like it's Dead Rising in name only
        Well that saves me the problem about caring that its an Xbone exclusive. Its not Dead Rising at all by the sounds if it. Now I can just laugh instead of telling Capcom to go **** themselves, they will manage that themselves with Dead Theft Row Of Duty 3


          I don't understand the need to try and bring in CoD players - for crying out loud they ONLY buy CoD and ___________ (Insert sports game). That said, I think it looks decent and would like to play it if it was on something else...

          Why couldn't this and Killer Instinct have been on 360...


            This looks good, glad they are doing away with the time pressure aspect, got so annoying on the other ones rushing to get survivors. However the zombie genre to me has starting to get a bit samey lately. Not seen if this is co-op or not but 4 player co-op could make it great fun.


              What next? "realistic" Mario/Sonic to go after the CoD crowd? Ah well, at least Capcom are bringing Deep Down to PS4. If it will be any good is another question.




                  Originally posted by mikewl View Post
                  This looks good, glad they are doing away with the time pressure aspect, got so annoying on the other ones rushing to get survivors. However the zombie genre to me has starting to get a bit samey lately. Not seen if this is co-op or not but 4 player co-op could make it great fun.
                  The time pressure was the whole point of Dead Rising without it its not Dead Rising


                    I always found it too prohibitive, Dead Rising 1 was amazing, the world was so rich and full of variety, but they made it so hard to explore and just have fun.

                    I wish that Capcom had of made it themselves, neither DR2 nor this seem to have that colourful Japanese charm.

                    I tink this looks a bit ropey graphically, like Saints Row with Zombies.


                      Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                      I always found it too prohibitive, Dead Rising 1 was amazing, the world was so rich and full of variety, but they made it so hard to explore and just have fun.

                      I wish that Capcom had of made it themselves, neither DR2 nor this seem to have that colourful Japanese charm.

                      I tink this looks a bit ropey graphically, like Saints Row with Zombies.
                      If it was too prohibitive you were just crap
                      it is a game series you needed to play far too much to know every nook and cranny but anything that lets you play in a gimp suit with fluffy slippers must be good right... Right?


                        I would of rather just run around smacking zombies in the face with Chainsaws at my own pace, It was only made worse by the levelling up and permadeath.

                        I can appreciate what they were trying to achieve but I just found it too stressful!


                          Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                          I would of rather just run around smacking zombies in the face with Chainsaws at my own pace, It was only made worse by the levelling up and permadeath.

                          I can appreciate what they were trying to achieve but I just found it too stressful!
                          I bought a 360 for the first, If they hadn't changed 3 I would have considered buying a bone for it, even with all the **** it comes with


                            Well there is always Dark Souls 2 for all your hardcore dying and being beaten to a pulp as you enter a new area

                            You don't even need to buy new hardware for that!

                            Also, Saints Row : Zombies

                            I'm surprised that hasn't happened yet.

