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FEZ II in development release 2017?

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    FEZ II in development release 2017?

    Phil Fish and Polytron have just released a teaser for FEZ II


    In before the Phil Fish is a dick commets!

    AWWWW YEAH. Love me some FEZ


      Will Fez ever come out on a Sony?


        Has he been hiring, then? I thought that Renaud B?dard left Polytron.


          Originally posted by hoolak View Post
          Will Fez ever come out on a Sony?
          It's out on PC if that's any help


            Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
            It's out on PC if that's any help
            As my PS3 sits in the living room, I would much prefer to play it there. Maybe I will one day Steam box it.


              I find it pretty strange to spend that long developing your first game to then have your follow-up game be a direct sequel - typically smaller studios of an indie mentality are the first to criticise re-hashes or sequels. I can't say I enjoyed Fez enough to get excited about this, and I still think not paying up to fix the broken 360 version is a totally dick move that puts me off even more.


                The joys of working with indies, that is more likely to happen with companies that are working Solo.


                  Phil Fish is a dick. That's all.


                    Originally posted by fuse View Post
                    I find it pretty strange to spend that long developing your first game to then have your follow-up game be a direct sequel - typically smaller studios of an indie mentality are the first to criticise re-hashes or sequels. I can't say I enjoyed Fez enough to get excited about this, and I still think not paying up to fix the broken 360 version is a totally dick move that puts me off even more.
                    He's full of it anyway. In his Reddit AMA he was saying that he wanted to do something different for his next game, and that was just two months ago. At this stage I'd hazard a guess that Fez II consists solely of that trailer and the level editor for the first game on his dev setup. He still had to get Renaud to port Fez from pure XNA to Monogame for the PC version after he'd left Polytron and has dragged his heels on things like a Linux version ever since, even though it'd require absolutely minimal effort to do so. Chances are that he's being funded by Sony or Microsoft to work on the sequel, and Fish is on money like white on rice if his dubious and nepotism-fuelled IGF cash prizes of the past are an accurate indication of how he operates.


                      Well Fez II off again after Fez's idea-person "Fish" went nuts on social media the last week over quingate. Good riddance to a horrible human garbage, I like the game but dislike Phil alot.


                        Again? Didn't he do this a couple of months ago or am I time travelling again?


                          His website got hacked by 4chan last night and he's now put the company and IP up for sale.


                            Why is it he's hated so much? I watched that indie game developer movie and he just seemed like a young guy who was stressed out of his bollocks due to the pressure of his workload, don't remember watching and thinking "this guy's a bell end"?


                              Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                              His website got hacked by 4chan last night and he's now put the company and IP up for sale.
                              allegedly, I would add on to that sentence. It's looking more like a song and dance Phil's cooked up to paint "video gamers" as toxic scum.

