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3DRealms sues Gearbox over DNF royalties

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    3DRealms sues Gearbox over DNF royalties

    2 million in unpaid royalties apparently.

    Gearbox has had a snipe:

    "Gearbox, in fulfillment of its commitments, enriched 3D Realms, saved 3DR from its debts and rescued 3DR from its failed dozen-plus year attempt to ship Duke Nukem Forever," the studio told Law360. "Everyone wished that 3DR's game was better received by the market for the benefit of gamers and profit to its creators. While 3DR might not wish the reality that the results make clear, 3DR turned out to be the only beneficiary of the deal. Gearbox Software, meanwhile, experienced damage to its credibility and loss of its money."
    No idea which way I want this to go.

    Why am I not surprised that Randy Pitchford gets sued?


      Gearbox are a crazy outfit. How can so much crap come from the guys who gave us the amazing borderlands 2?


        Part of me thinks 3DR are being a bit out of order here though. The DNF project was dead in the water. Like totally dead.

        George ran it into the ground (how many times? 5?) and why has he only just noticed this now? is it a coincidence 3DR have done exactly sod all since they sorta closed? and by sorta I mean they are still about but have only 1 member of staff - so unless they magically employ Carmack himself sod all is going on over there.

        I think either George is running out of money or he needs the extra cash to restart 3DR again - maybe doing indie type games or something?


          Almost certainly, DNF would never have seen daylight without Gearbox so saying they are owed royalties for ****ing up multiple times after 10 years + is a bit rich.


            I should sue them both for creating such hype and ending up with a monstrosity of a ****e game


              It wasn't that bad. Dated, but solid. Far too much negative hyperbole around that game.

              I'm a bit baffled about 3DR too though. I'm fairly sure that they were being sued themselves for not delivering DNF in the past, so suing someone else for finishing the game that they couldn't takes some nerve.


                Flip, you played it to the end? I couldnt get past 3 hours of that ****znit


                  Originally posted by FelixofMars View Post
                  Almost certainly, DNF would never have seen daylight without Gearbox so saying they are owed royalties for ****ing up multiple times after 10 years + is a bit rich.
                  Whilst that seems like sound reasoning all that matters is the contract. Gearbox are either in breach of it or they aren't. If Gb owe 3DR a load of money and just feel they shouldn;t pay it because the game didn't sell well enough, or the code they got was crap or whatever then that's their negotiators that cocked up and it doesn't stop them from owing 3DR. Not saying that's the case here, just that we haven't seen the agreement they all signed.


                    Originally posted by bash View Post
                    Flip, you played it to the end? I couldnt get past 3 hours of that ****znit
                    I did. Having a total press blackout helped, especially given the hysterical kicking that it got.

