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Soul Calibur 2 HD

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    I like SC but I found it disappointing after the amazing Soul Edge. Music and single player content were lacking.


      I still own JP SE on PSX and while the Edge Master mode was fun, its actually really short. Even if you complete it for every character.

      Heihachi will be in it for all versions, as its Namco's own character. Spawn is a case of licensing costs and Link is property of Nintendo. I wouldn't mind it if they based this on the coin op, which means both Necrid and Hei wouldn't even be included. I hated guest characters.


        Regarding which is best, I guess it depends who you ask. I personally consider Soul Calibur 2 to be the best, though I'll always have a strong attachment to the original Soul Calibur because it was such an important game on the Dreamcast. Many people rate Soul Calibur 3 quite highly, but I didn't think it was much cop. Same goes for the fourth game (maybe because I felt the inclusion of Star Wars characters was awkward).


          Soul Calibur on the DC was indeed a masterpiece, but for me I thought the 2nd was just more refined. I couldn't get into Soul 3, played a ton of 4 because it was on online, but couldn't get into 5...

          So long as SC2 HD has SC5 online netcode it'll be great, chuck in spectator mode and I'll be in 3D fighting game bliss... Simply cannot wait!!

          Plugged in the arcade board this morning I'm so hyped!!


            Originally posted by nakamura View Post
            I just want to play as Link! Is this regarded as the best in the series? I never bothered because I found Soul Calibur lacking.
            The DC soul calibur, is by far the best. Soul edge on the ps1 was also excellent, but feels a bit clunky now. The second soul calibur wasnt great; it didnt come close to to the first in any respect, even with the out of place bonus characters. The 3rd is very good, 4th was bad and i think i managed to last about 30mins before trading 5.

            If you found soul calibur lacking, then run a mile from sc2


              Originally posted by dvdx2 View Post
              The DC soul calibur, is by far the best. Soul edge on the ps1 was also excellent, but feels a bit clunky now. The second soul calibur wasnt great; it didnt come close to to the first in any respect, even with the out of place bonus characters. The 3rd is very good, 4th was bad and i think i managed to last about 30mins before trading 5.

              If you found soul calibur lacking, then run a mile from sc2
              Lol, talk about contrasting opinions...

              @ Nakamura based on us alone you should play it again for yourself and decide. Be curious to know which side of the fence you sit on!


                Basically. I thought 3 was dreadful too.


                  For me Edge had something about none of the Caliburs captured. SC was the best to play, SC2 was close but lost something, SC3 was awful, SC4 was reasonable but didn't click and SC5 was an improvement but still off the mark.


                    Watch in 1080p HD for the CLEAREST QUALITY walkthroughs on Youtube!Kilik's story from Soul Calibur 3 on PS2.For a playlist of the walkthrough, please visit:h...

                    I thought 3 had more in common with the first; similar music and mechanics, beautiful backdrops with some nice nostalgia. Throw in a widescreen mode, 480p support and it was rather tasty for the time.

                    2 was boring as hell imo, but yoi know what opinions are


                      After the devastating impact of the DC conversion from arcade of SC1, SC2 felt a little Meh. I remember Saurian was pissed because he loved playing as lizard man and I think they bottled him a little.


                        I just found SC was where Namco started to fall, that and Tekken 3. They just became cheaper and about juggles.


                          Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                          I just found SC was where Namco started to fall, that and Tekken 3. They just became cheaper and about juggles.
                          Namco have definitely lost their spark no question. Hopefully these HD remakes will help them re-discover it. Tekken 5 DR was probably their last decent fighting game... (imo of course!). I liked SC4 but like I said - sheer novelty of online only!


                            Tekken 3 is so much better than 1 and 2..


                              It has more moves. The introduction of characters like Hworang and Eddie cheapened things no end. I don't hate the games but I found each one moved further away from precise combat.


                                Tekken 1n2 had precise combat!?!

                                T5 was a good return to form after the disappointing t4 but t6 expanded upon that well. The bounce system was pretty kool.

                                Heihachi was a nice novelty inclusion at the time but having no weapons and just being faster was a bit whack. If they ever did a a tekken v sc they should at least give everyone weapons ffs
                                Last edited by bash; 20-07-2013, 11:19.

