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Valve announce Half...oh wait it's a Steam Controller.

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    When you present your point again specifically in relation to PC gaming in the living room that's fine, Bash. Valve may be onto something. But that's not what you did in the post I quoted. You made some blanket statement about Nintendo proving traditional control schemes have hit the 'ceiling' of their usefulness. That is nonsense.


      I don't know Gabe and have no strong feelings about him one way or another. But now you're making me wonder if I should be disliking him too...


        Is it cool to dislike him?

        If it is....Fat bastard


          Originally posted by Golgo View Post
          When you present your point again specifically in relation to PC gaming in the living room that's fine, Bash. Valve may be onto something. But that's not what you did in the post I quoted. You made some blanket statement about Nintendo proving traditional control schemes have hit the 'ceiling' of their usefulness. That is nonsense.
          Why is it nonsense? If theres an more progress to be made with traditional control hardware to improve accuracy, where are they? Have you seen some 3rd party attempts? Rarely are they better than 1st party, esp nintendo. The fact that they went from the N64 and gamecube controllers to completely new tech proves it for me.

          Mind you, given the negativity shown here, its no wonder hardware manufacturers are too scared to innovate.


            Hopefully it'll crop up to try at some point before a final opinion can be made but different doesn't necessarily equal quality. Plus, the accuracy of mouse vs analogue sticks is subjective to what your used to also. For many mouses are over accurate, losing a sense of physicality for the response time of a twitch shooter. Valve is probably going to be better off pitching this hard at PC users to build the fanbase and forget about console users who are likely going to shrug this off. Either way, they also need to announce not just exclusives for SteamOS/Steambox but a game in any form soon.


              I find this an interesting concept that could have its purposes. I don't think it would act as a replacement for traditional game controllers, though.


                There's touchpads on my Xperia Play, and they're rubbish.


                  Originally posted by 25.05.2005 View Post
                  There's touchpads on my Xperia Play, and they're rubbish.
                  Haha yep they certainly are. Unusable almost.

                  Will all be interesting to see how this pans out, I honestly don't think itle be challenging the main console boys any time soon. However, if the controller works, and the make the games much more user friendly than the pc version, ie automatic patching, driver downloads, trouble shooting all done in the background and decent hardware that isn't put of date before its out (ouya) then they can quite feasibly make inroads. Obviously media and other apps will be important for the living room too, but that's all doable.








                          Jeeeez that's wrong in so many ways.


                            I think this could work for FPS and RTS. It might actually make RTS playable with a controller.

                            The design looks cool too. But it's obviously not going to work for traditional arcade/console genres like racers and fighting games. Platform games would struggle also.


                              Did i hear what i thought i heard on BBCs 'Click' programme?:

                              I can play my Steam pc games on a PS3!!!!

                              If so then i might see if i can get myself a super cheap 2nd hand PS3

