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A return to Discworld.

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    A return to Discworld.

    I brought Discworld for the saturn last week for the princely sum of ?3. I remembered playing the demo on PSone disc when UKOPM was 1st out, and enjoyed but never brought it. So this was my chance to the game at last (and being a discworld fan helped). The 1st thing i have to say, I've never, never played a adventure game this hard, not even Sam'n'Max comes close.

    Some of the puzzles are brilliant and do require talking to the right person, to figure it out (the L-space, ghost/inn puzzle was great), but then for all that you can so easily run in to a complete bastard of puzzle that the final solution makes little sense or being required to remember a little piece of background detail hours earlier inthe game (take the bench/frog puzzle) and then there impossible ones that make don't make sense, where i had to use the guide on these, as there not even the smallest of hints to how they worked. (the IMP inthe hole, GGRRRRRR i mean how in sod law was i suppose know Imps like worms). And the graphical detail problems. The 2D has dated a little but thats not the problem, the problem is its so, so easy to miss a vital piece of item due to being on a character clothing (banana on shady guy head, actually looks like his ear) or its pure luck your cusor happened to move across it (Edge of the world on the map, and the scissors inthe barbers to name a few) that give no hint to the fact there selectable. Oh and the aimless wondering that can so easily happen after 'Act2' with no clearly direction resulting in wondering around until the right cutscene drops in or 1 on the hundreds of scenes that changed in walked in on.

    Apart from that i enjoyed the games story and way it drew in on Discworlds Law (even with a few errors, like the City watch) the dialog between the characters can often be funny, specially between books established characters. Its was worth the ?3 i paid but with out the faq i would have snapped the disc.

    I never completed Discworld 1, but love Discworld 2 and Noir. I found them really fun, and the Discworld edge just makes them irresistable! I've only played the PC versions of the games, but I suggest that anyone who has an interest in Discworld Play these games. As Tobal says, they're cheap as chips.


      GAME are currently selling noir for ?5. I bought it as a christmas present for my friend!


        I'd heard that you need to know the books to be able to play the game, a comment that put me off ever trying them, was wondering if this was indeed true? or would I acctually stand a chance?


          Umm, I believe that the first discworld game was besed quite tightly to the series, but I found Noir and Missing Presumed... !? to be simply about the Disc-WORLD and not specific events in the book.

          I played Missing Presumed... !? before reading the books and loved it. Then I loved Noir more than Discworld 2 because of reading the books.

          It's just funnier with the knowledge of the books, and for ?5, you can't go wrong!


            I don't think you have to have played the games before, but it certainly helps, at least for the first one. Puzzles will make more sense if you've read the books. It is bloody hard, though.
            Discworld 2 is much easier, and looks a lot better, even if they did do some weird kind of hybrid plot, stolen from a couple of books.
            I never got around to playing Noir, but I only heard good things about it.

