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Prince and Persia + Beyond Good and Evil UK sales...

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    Perhaps it will make the various publishers reconsider their idiotic policies of releasing 80% of their titles in the last 3 months of the year? I don't suddenly get paid 3 times as much at this time of the year and I doubt the majority of people do either...


      ... in fact.. money is usually tighter.. buying pressies, 6 week month of january.

      I do suspect cube and xbox versions to fare better.


        As an example: I plan to buy both games, just not on PS2. I can't really decide between the Xbox or Gamecube versions though.


          okok which one of you wise guys is stealing our threads and putting them as news items on the bbc, come on, own up, someone is an industry anal-lyst......

          Console saturation indeed, I dunno, why not have a direct link to this thread, HUH!


            I see this saturation period as being a good thing.

            Cover a pig in too much **** and it's bound to get fed up with it all.

            One day, games won't be cool anymore. It's a trend phase, I'm sure.


              Only glimer of hope is that these games get reduced in price for the January sales and that boosts them back into the charts. Hopefully publishers will take note that lower cost = more sales, but they will probably think this: big license = more sales + higher price.

              I've said it many times before, why do games players want consoles to go mainstream, this is the result, and concept is right, we will get less new and fresh IP in PAL land.

              Note, I didn't say bad games or anything close to that, the top 3 games are solid titles, just not best of breed IMO.


                I'm just frightened that Ubisoft will put aside the daring gambles they've taken (and should be commended for) and go back to making mundane platformers and shooters. They've really made an impression this year as a Publisher willing to take chances and eager to make great games.


                  The apparrant failure of the two ubisoft titles is very worrying....I still can;t see what was in it for Ubisoft with regard to the Xmas PS2 exclusivity....hopefully Sony paid enough to make publishing the titles worthwhile anyway.

                  Curiously my local Game has PoP at number 1 in their PS2 chart (by comparison Manhunt is n.o 9). So are they just very much mistaken or do gamers in Harrogate just have excellent taste I wonder?


                    The offer of buy PoP fpr ?19.99 when you spend over ?20 is going to help no end.

